I recently tried plasma after xfce and damn ! That shit is slick af, ut’s so polished and satisfying to use ! Also the krita on kde experience is just incredible
Try KDE Connect if you’ve got an android phone, it’s pretty cool. I had to tweak the notification settings on my phone to get it to work the way I wanted, but ymmv, I’m just saying this because I’m usually happy with the KDE default settings (at least the Bazzite KDE default, I’m not sure how much the Bazzite team has changed their DEs).
Yes kde connect is really cool, i like to put on some music before bead and this way i can skip and tweak the sound ! Very useful!
You can even install KDE connect on windows though, I imagine its pretty DE agnostic.
There’s quite a few KDE apps that work on Windows. I think they’re trying to position KDE as a provider of high-quality cross-platform open-source apps, rather than being limited to just Linux.
It’s really stunning these days, super professional and clean, and really good themes actually too.
They are doing amazing work. Love Plasma!
Lots of nice changes here, it’s been a busy week
I really like being able to disable the mute-sound button on the task icons, since I sometimes misclick on them during meetings… And once I had apparently done that and turned off the sound for slack, so my huddle didn’t have any sound. Took me like 15 mins to find the reason since I thought it had to do with pulseaudio…
This one threw me off. I’d muted discord by mistake. Weirdly voice still works. I spent ages checking and double checking settings to see why I wasn’t getting notification sounds and the ptt sound. Dismissing any mute possibility because voice was working.
When I found it was this…
IIRC it is possible to disable the indicators altogether, although that may or may not be an acceptable solution to you. For me it was worth the trade-off because of exactly this reason.
I tried to find where it was but can’t find it…
Meanwhile “per monitor workspaces” have been requested almost 20 years ago and are a dealbreaker for many users…
Oh damn that’s actually something I want
honestly I would be for same monitor configurations myself
having to do the same setup on all 3 is so annoying
I don’t want features, I want the session restoration in Wayland to work properly 😭
Me too, there are a lot of bug fixes here though. Anyways, has that ever worked for anyone?
What actually is not working?
Bringing up all the stuff you had open the next time you log in.
Edit: it’s the manual session save feature that’s broken: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=436318It does open all apps for me. But probably not in the previous state. But idk if that’s actually possible?
How did you do it? For example if I keep some apps open and reboot it should reopen them at startup, right? I tried that and it didn’t work, but maybe I configured something wrong
Nah there is a save session button. You can save a session when certain apps are open, then on login thoose apps will open
Oh ok, gotta try that, but does that mean that this only works while maintaining the PC on?
Are you using 6.0? And in Wayland?
6.1 i guess. Iirc it worked on 6.0 as well. Yes wayland on fedora kde
it was this one: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=436318
I had it backwards, it’s the manual session save/restore that does not work.
It looks like it’s waiting for an internal feature, and that the current (working) auto save/restore feature is a placeholder hack and will also be replaced by said feature.
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Yes, it has bugs still, specially for widgets and stuff like that. But it’s very stable if you don’t mess around with those things and just use it.
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GNOME is rock solid on my device, unlike KDE. What do you mean by that exactly?
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i can chime in with some actual experience!
my current problems with KDE are
- the greeter only accepts my password on the secondary monitor
- the compositor shuts down whenever something uses the GPU even though the setting is off
- my primary desktop randomly shunts itself to the right, plopping on top of the desktop on the secondary display and leaving a big black void on half my primary until plasmashell is restarted
- my panels keep collapsing their content down to the width of a single pixel until i resize them
- Wayland just crashloops and is completely unusable (no, i don’t have an nvidia card)
- i still can’t get the acrylic transparency to work :(
and what’s fun about this is, the issues are so intermittent and random that i never know what i’m going to get on a given day!
I really appreciate the work and time the volunteer devs put in, but everytime I try KDE I have to give up because of some workflow breaking bug. Window rules disappearing into thin air, context menu’s not rendering properly, power management not consistent, widget search freezing, random crashes. the list goes on. This has been the case with every major KDE release I tried and yes I have reported my fair share of bugs but it seems the priority lies with adding new features instead of fixing old ones which is a shame imo.
the window rules one really fucks me up.
It stopped working at the beginning of the year for me and nobody gave a shit about the bug reports.
Now I have to keep juggling windows and their sizes every day like a caveman.
I also had bugs around window rules to be honest.
I only get a couple of problems.
- A panel that wraps content is sized to one icon when logging in for the first time
- Plasma Shell occasionally crashes and restarts
But then, I’m not running a stock plasma, I have a few add-ons compiled from source and a few widgets downloaded from the get new things. One of those could be causing the crash but I haven’t proved that yet. I’m fairly sure the panel is a plasma bug.
Edit: Oh and sorting pinned icons in the icons only taskbar is a real pain in wayland.
Edit 2: It seems the sorting has been fixed since I last did it
and I haven’t had the crash since the last plasma update
Oh that’s an actually insightful answer! Thank you!
I don’t really have any issue with KDE, I’ve actually barely used it at all, I was merely trolling. It’s juste the “a lot of functionality at the expense of simplicity “ that doesn’t speaks to me in general. I understand the criticism against GNOME, however I got to really appreciate the effort they are putting in simplicity and integration. Once you get used to do things “the gnome way” , it’s really comfortable imo. I guess the same goes for any DE or WM.
I use Aeon btw, so of course I’m all in for using vanilla gnome!
Yes, it never crashes anymore at all for me. Lots of work went into stability and bug fixes in plasma version 6.
So please don’t try it on Debian stable or something. Use the latest version!
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I daily drive Plasma 6 Wayland on Archlinux based distro (EndeavourOS). Its the most stable KDE I have ever used. Before that I was using since Plasma 5 X11 on same distro and switched to Wayland when 6 became available. Unless you have some issues that are specific to your setup, it works surprisingly well. I even use an auto tiler addon and added a second monitor (ok the monitor is since today :D).
All in all, its stable after the 2 big updates that focused on stability since 6 launched.
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Compared to 5.1x days, it’s much more stable on Arch Linux. I haven’t had issues since 6.2 I think (always on latest)
Good for you and have fun.
It is.