Probably the DE more than the distro, for me Bluetooth has “just worked” under KDE
Probably the DE more than the distro, for me Bluetooth has “just worked” under KDE
Unrelated :P
Come work at Meta, we have Fedora Linux laptops :)
Edit: Maybe we should crowd source a list of companies that let you use Linux. I’ve worked at startups and straight up told the CEO “I’m installing Linux” and that has worked, but corporate companies you can’t get away with that
Like what exactly?
People have commented on the stability side, but there’s also the new implementation side. Seasoned developers have hailed Rust as being better for development - look no further than the GPU drivers for an example
You mean the operating system with a cuckold license? Nothx
Lowkey surprised Cloudflare didn’t just drop the website to unblock access to their other customers
This ^. To elaborate, download Flatseal
Opening the browser is done through an XDG portal. Bottles forwarded the request to your desktop environment.
Bottles (and anything running in Bottles) can’t arbitrarily read your files, but it can request a file picker dialog. Similarly, it can’t read or modify Firefox, but it can request a URL to open
As an ex-Andrpid dev, all this optimization is what killed the creativity. Every feature you currently have is hyperoptimized (even with dedicated battery optimizations turned off for the most popular apps), and as a result nothing you can’t easily change is changeable anymore.
Want a widget that self updates every couple minutes by connecting to the internet? Can’t have that, even if the user explicitly accepts it. Want to customize behavior of things in the settings? Nope. Want to hook into the phone memory and do crazy hacks? Not even with root. Want to keep running some checks to determine when to send a notification? Can’t do that either, non-push notifications are all scheduled in advance.
As others said, you probably want to mine something like Monero instead of Bitcoin, since you literally won’t even make a penny (even if you had free electricity) mining BTC.
Gupax ( is quite good for this, it makes it as simple as one-click run
Mouse recorders don’t work on Wayland
Color pickers on Wayland are janky af
Screenshot capture on Wayland is weird, if you copy an image to clipboard with Spectacle or Flameshot, it leaves the clipboard when the Screenshot captured notification disappears
My TV doesn’t detect input via HDMI on Wayland
Back when I was a wee bit Java noob, I was trying to write a RuneScape bot to play Soul Wars. I had a basic recursive pathfinding algo for figuring out how to walk around the map, but it blew out of memory very quickly (each tile has 4 options, do that recursively, etc). So I added caching. Anyways, I never cleared the caching. So after 20 minutes of running the script, you had like 2GB of allocated RAM calculating the best path from any 2 tiles in the minigame.
Great times. No amount of language safety features would have saved me from that stupidity.
memory leak fixes,
But muh Rust??
I like the aesthetic and theming support
+1 for going with a third party on something like this. Your small shop is an expert in whatever they’re doing, don’t try and recreate someone else’s buisness thinking it will be easy
Linux desktop environments is the Trans rights of politics. Very easy to debate, everyone has an opinion, but not where the focus should be
Turns on reply notifications and sticks phone in butt
You didn’t mention KDE’s lack of any adequate stability
What year is it
The UX of Librewolf sucks ass though. Want to change this setting? Well you can’t, too bad.