you’re listing things that will be fixed.
you’re listing things that will be fixed.
i brought it up because it is indicative. he may not have started out courting nazis, but he developed an audience that tolerated it, and in turn got more extreme himself. mutual radicalization.
no, it is just as bad because it is in English. the swedish word derived from the Spanish “negro” has different connotations and has historically been used as a descriptor rather than an insult, but we can read american history.
he did a stream in an SS uniform, he has said the n-word (as an insult) during streams, his earliest content was all about screaming “rape”, and he paid people on fiverr to hold up signs saying “death to jews”. he was never wholesome.
also there was that shooter in new Zealand.
however, he did these things because he (perhaps accidentally) cultivated an audience that want it. it was mutual radicalization.
was linux ever in majority assembly? was the C thing added on by a separate team?
yes, yes, and it works without tearing in xorg no problem. multitouch is not xorgs nor wayland’s responsibility.
wayland is still too unstable for me to recommend. what is clunky about xorg?
the driver is called AMDGPU PRO. it sits on top of the normal driver, and contains stuff specific to high performance compute and workstation workloads. i think it’s a requirement for properly fast ROCm but i’m not sure.
i usually get to where i’m going using man pages rather than copying wholesale from the web, but when i find something worth saving i usually put the snippet in its own script in ~/.local/bin
, which is in my PATH
. with some modifications to make it generic, of course.
then, maybe it was added to the kernel after i first tried it and i’ve been working with old assumptions.
good to know, i’ve never managed to get it working without. what’s the recommended approach then?
also that behavior is interesting because it means the display is detected and the computer is drawing to it but something in your environment is unstable. check the system log for previous boot to see what screwed up.
yeah displaylink is sort of a streaming feature, but evdi is a kernel module that makes the kernel aware of multiple monitors over usb (among other things), it’s required for display plug-n-play over usb in my experience.
do you have evdi installed? and if not, does it work when you reboot with the cable connected?
that’s true, but the impact would still be lessened by faster rendering. and as someone who spends all day in the terminal anyway, i do see the benefits often.
no, that’s just minecraft being badly made. I’m talking logs running in a separate window.
text is like the slowest thing to draw :P when debugging games, a running log can make the 3D rendering stutter significantly.
yeah just using the same characters but “squished” doesn’t work since the serifs take up the character space. you need a font designed as proportional. slab serif just means that the serifs are squared rather than pointed like on Times.
i want serifs. I use Go Mono for monospaced text. i’ve yet to find a good proportional slab serif font to match though.