other countries rely on the US because the US uses military intervention and economic sanctions to ensure everyone has to rely on them. this is not difficult to understand
other countries rely on the US because the US uses military intervention and economic sanctions to ensure everyone has to rely on them. this is not difficult to understand
do some research or something jesus lmao. Linux servers, on average, are much higher profile entities to target, typically has more eyes watching them for problems, and technically literate people administrating them. meanwhile your typical windows machine is used by non technical, every day users who do very little proper security practices and threat mitigations.
you get a better ROI targeting windows users than you do, Linux users. it’s really not difficult to understand
this owes to the fact that windows simply has exponentially more users and is therefore more valuable to target.
this idea lies on a complete misunderstanding. Linux, without extensive hardening efforts, is ootb much more insecure than either Windows or macos
what do you mean you claim “more secure” here? secure in comparison to what, exactly?
you understand that you can still use x11 with KDE or gnome right?