Run Wireshark on the client to see if you actually got the reply.
pending anonymous user
Run Wireshark on the client to see if you actually got the reply.
Say I lived there. BBC needs fundings I get it, but what the BBC contributes to when I watch VoD? Not even watching live programmes as zero of the content have BBC ever contributed. When the content is licensed via BBC, I already paid part with my subscription. Thst’s a disgusting double dipping. If no one watches your programmes that’s your problem, and citizens have no responsibility to keep a corporate from collapsing. This shit reminds me of how NHK works in Japan.
If I understand correctly, you want a two component setup. A PWA client for you to read the mail, and a server acts as IMAP client, fetches mails from all you mailboxes. The server will expose an API for tge PWA to access mail content. When new mail arrives, the server push a beacon via the Push API. The PWA would fetch the sender and title, and display a notification. If you clicks it, only then the PWA will fetch the body.
After a quick glance of the demo, I think SnappyMail fit the bill? It seems can be installed as PWA, and my browser does ask me if I want to give it push notification permission. However, I’m not too sure if the fetch logic happens as I laid out.
While I’m using Proton rn, I’m planning to migrate to Posteo with Addy.io for aliases. However they all cost money. If you mean free email that’s not tie to a billionaire, I can’t think one off my head. You can achieve “free” by hosting your own email server as it sounds you’re intended for receiving only, but the electricity still cost some, plus you are doning free labor to make sure it is happy.
Apologies. Never realized American spell it as check. Got confused.
Check or cheque?
What’s your setup and your goal?
I guess you can also use NFS/iSCSI for images too?
I heard ActualBudget can do this, but less a software but a server.
I will just get an AMD (7745HX?) mini PC with adequate RAM and call it a day. It should run almost anything that you throw in a light setup with minimal power usage.
Ops. Missed that part.
I use BTRFS for snapshots, and auto compression. Maybe it can be done with raids with LVM? AFAIK BTRFS redundancy is basically the same as traditional RAID, similar to using mdadm. Still, you would want a backup strat instead relying on the disk redundancy. I learn that the hardway.
I would just skip RAID, add all disk to a single BTRFS and use the built in profiles for (meta)data redundancy.
Cache I don’t know much tho.
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Unless you want to game. Anti-cheats are notorlessly anti-virtual machines.
Meta+arrows key to shift windows around
Or is the key call Super? I know for sure it’s the “Windows” key.
Xfce? All keyboard shortcuts involved the Meta key won’t work.
Never heard of them. Will check them out sometime. Thx.
Appflowy if Notion appels you. It is not 1.0 yet so some features you need might not be there.
I used to use dedicated server from OneProvider in Paris.