Most people think UNIX and Linux are the same thing so this makes sense. Obviously to us they aren’t but for most people it really doesn’t matter. I’m sure they’ll still sleep at night.
Most people think UNIX and Linux are the same thing so this makes sense. Obviously to us they aren’t but for most people it really doesn’t matter. I’m sure they’ll still sleep at night.
I knew a guy who did this and had to fly to Germany to fix it because he didn’t want to admit what he’d done.
What about VMware Workstation Pro? Or are you looking for something FOSS? It’s easy to download without creating an account and I found it easier to setup that VB. I actually switched because I’d been having connectivity issues with VB and it took me a year to realise it was a VB issue.
Where do you live that you’re getting raided by the police? This sounds like one of those situations where they might use the wrench technique.
I don’t really see the point. If someone’s trying to access my data it’s most likely to be from kind of remote exploit so encryption won’t help me. If someone’s breaks into my house and steals my computer I doubt they’ll be clever enough to do anything with it. I guess there’s the chance that they might sell it online and it gets grabbed by someone who might do something, but most of my important stuff is protected with two factor authentication. It’s getting pretty far fetched that someone might be able to crack all my passwords and access things that way.
It’s far more likely that it’s me trying to recover data and I’ve forgotten my password for the drive.
Funny you should say that, I always felt like the defaults are really bad.
I created my own openSUSE splash screen for KDE because I felt all the existing ones were a bit amateur and I wanted something professional looking. I haven’t published it because I can’t be bothered creating an account. It only took about 15 minutes because I chopped up another one which had clearly chopped up another one.
For the record it turned out to be because I hadn’t set write permissions to the hardware for my user because ChatGPT told me I only needed read permissions to be set up. This must be the first time since its conception that AI’s made a mistake.
Not rootless but I can see the device, and even in privileged mode it doesn’t work. I’m currently trying to find a docker image I can run as root and prove the Coral is working.
I’ve been trying to get Frigate working, on and off, for about eight months now. I’ve got a Debian server but it just won’t detect my Coral TPU inside my Podman container. Since you need such an old version of Python to test the TOU I can’t prove it’s working in the host so I don’t know if the problem’s with the drivers of either my container setup. I vowed to get it working over the Christmas break but it’s still not there.
How’d you get Haswell working? I run vainfo and it complains that it can’t recognise the chip but I’ve followed everything on the Debian wiki. When I google the error all I get is people complaining about it being the result of a bug and the responses are usually from developers promising to look into it.
I remove anything by KDE and find an alternative from the 21st century.
I also install Janus as my text file editor, which is a Windows Notepad clone.
I don’t know half that software you’re talking about running but I don’t find home servers really need to be that powerful. Companies like Dell and Lenovo have historically done cash back offers on small tower servers. I’m still running a Dell T20 I got like 10 years ago. Maybe keep an eye out for something like that if you’re not in a rush. I only ended up paying about £100 for mine.
I use it at home just because I wanted to try something different on my laptop, I really don’t understand what some people love about it so much. It’s bot terrible or anything, I just find it a bit clunky and there’s nothing remarkably good.
Archer T3U, a usb WiFi adapter.
Linux is the best it’s ever been but it’s still too complicated for normal people. Most people don’t even know what a VM or a driver is. I would disagree that drivers are no more of an issue on Linux than Windows. You can plug upwards of 99% of devices into Windows and they’ll just work. Barely and vendors provide support for Linux, not that that’s the fault of anyone really. I can understand why vendors don’t want to commit resources and Linux can’t have built in support for everything.
What was wrong with Joplin? I was thinking about giving it a try.
I use OneDrive. I know people will hate but it’s cheap and works on everything (well, it takes a third party tool on Linux). If I care about it it goes in OneDrive, otherwise I don’t need it that much.
I’ve dabbled with Linux for decades but only within the last year decided to make it a permanent switch due to a new career move. When I’ve previously used Linux it’s always been on a USB stick or something like that, so when something didn’t work I just tolerated it and ended up using Windows most of the time. By removing my Windows installs and doing a permanent switch I found myself more inclined to learn and fix the problems, though most of it is simply searching and searching until you find someone else who’s already solved it.
It’s not exactly been a smooth process, and in the end I ended up dual-booting both of my machines with Windows just for the odd thing that I couldn’t be bothered fixing, and it’s kind of silly that both of my Windows installs were so easy and set most things up automatically compared to the Linux ones. While I like Linux it certainly isn’t for everyone and I don’t care what anyone here says but Linux won’t be a desktop of choice for normal people for a long time, if ever. If the year of Linux ever happens it won’t be because everyone suddenly wakes up one day and decides they love FOSS, it’ll be because someone like Google rolls out an incredibly locked down version, such as ChromeOS, in a way that works for most people. The year of Linux won’t be what people on here want it to be. And I still think the Linux community has so many people in it with a shit attitude that people are often driven away just as they’re dipping their toes in. I was just looking at a post this morning that was asking the exact question I had and the first reply began with “Did you even bother to read the wiki?”.
I’m no Windows fanboy but I have to use it quite a lot, at home and at work. I don’t know what versions or settings you guys have set up but I’ve never had a Windows update I can’t postpone, ever.