Really helpful, thank.
Really helpful, thank.
Let me get this straight. Ur saying that on the laptop I have two instances, one for me and one for my wife and they both sync to nas instance. I have syncthing installed via apt on my Debian laptop. How do u get two instances going?
I just find nextcloud bloated for my use case.
I think hoarder must ne similari to wallabag which i use solely for preserving content I like. I use floccus plus WebDAV for bookmarks saving because floccus is avaible for android too. So bookmarks are the same on all my devices. Sounds like linkwarden does both but I can’t find android app which is a killer for me. Waljabag also is available for android where idomost of my reading.
make me shake … brrr
I’m going to try and see is I can get a VM running on the second Truenas server using the replicated dataset. I only use the second machine to duplicate datasets in case the first machine fails and have to rebuild it.
I’ve been asking myself the same question for a while. The container inside a VM is my setup too. It feels like the container in the VM in the OS is a bit of an onion approach which has pros and cons. If u are on low powered hardware, I suspect having too many onion layers just eat up the little resources you have. On the other hand, as suggests, it easier to run a system, update and generally maintain. It would be good to have other opinion on this. Note that not all those that have a home lab have good powered labs. I’m still using two T110’s (32GB ECC ram) that are now quite dated but are sufficient for my uses. They have Truenas scale installed and one VM running 6 containers. It’s not fast, but its realiable.
Same here but now struggling to keep on top of it. I wish there was a mobile solution that would just nicely integrate with selfhosted
Is there a mobile app that syncs with self hosted?
So are you saying you have it running on a VM with all data stored on NAS?
I have it as a Truenas Scale app. The upgrade brokemiy installation and the rollback didn’t work. Want to move it to a VM with Docker
All these models appear to ne quote old.Oldrer t’ha the R310, R510 and R610?
This thread has reminded me that I have Ruckus APs that mesh. But support had been dropped because they are “old”. Presumably there is no open source solution that I can flsh these with, still allowing me the meshing?
I’m not sure what the right model is to get money flowing in. It seems like they took the easy route. 100 dollars for a server licence is not really that small amount considering that most server users are families? I would have preferred massive fund raising campaigns … I’m a bit lazy and need lots of nagging to get my credit card out … But its right these guys get some income for their work. As long as code remains AGPL … I bet soon there will be a fork like happened with Emby. I ended up purchasing the server licence a a few month later moved to the forked version …🙂
I totally agree. Used pixels are superb with grapheneos. Syncthing is what i use ad a backup. I think the problemi is that google stops releasing updates after 5 yearss old units don’t get updates I think. I have the 5th June build and it reports a security update of December 2023.
I’m also looking into this a bit as I’m ditching Nextcloud and need a more modulare approach to managing the three things i care about: calendards, files and bookmarks. Sorted calendars with Radicale (superb) and files with Syncthing but now looking at the bookmarks. This ( has several solutions proposed. lingding and linkwarden seem to be good and reasonable active on Github. Anyone compared these?
Server is Truenas Scale. Syncthing is running as app. I and wife have it installed on Android phones. We both share a Debian 12 laptop with different logins. We both want to keep respective phone synced with laptop login. We want to have a folder shared on nas where we can exchange files.
I actually do have an always on server and I was planning on using it as a client-server type system. I think that the file sharing option is complicated to implement. I tried to launch syncthing in my wifes environment on the laptop and while I get a new ID, when I register it with the server, it complains saying that there are conflicts with the IDs for the device. I wonder if its getting confused by having two IDs against the same IP
Mmm, Seafile is is developed by an for-profit organisation. Looks interesting but might stick with nextcloud if I have to move to Seafile. Syncthing seems really robust and simple. I think its just the file sharing bit that I’m missing. Nextcloud is just a beast.
Its an unlikely event that both would be editing the same file at the same time. I think I’ve achieved this. Been messing with Syncthing today. we each have a “shared” folder on our phones and the server has one too. I selected to share with both devices.
The trick now is when you have a PC with multiple users that want to share that “shared” folder. I need to work that one out … :-)
So this is where I’m getting confused. Say I want to share a folder with my wife. We each have a phone: Phone_1 and Phone_2. I need to create two devices (Phone_1 and Phone_2) and 3 folders (my_folder, wife_folder, shared_folder). Phone_1 would sync to my_folder + shared_folder whereas my wifes phone (phone_2) would sync to wife_folder + shared_folder. All shared files would go in shared_folder. Both of us can edit files in the shared_folder?
I think vTiger community efition is still open source?