Alright, fair. I was more refering to the content of the message, not the (botched) metaphore of maintainers as a force of order.
Alright, fair. I was more refering to the content of the message, not the (botched) metaphore of maintainers as a force of order.
I read the “thin blue line” email and it seems… reasonable and sensible? And seeing how he is so appaled by it makes me question his judgement a bit.
Its finally happening??
They recently added support for this in the kernel for AMD cpu cores, so this might have changed.
No, this is mainly about power profiles and things like changing the colour of the keyboard lights, details that usually dont work anyway on laptops. Or at least it didnt work on the ones I had.
I have a tuxedo laptop and I put a different OS on it, works just fine. You even get support. I didnt even notice that the power profiles didnt work until I read this blog post.
sounds great! I hope this gets some traction, because the official wayland protocols are so dead slow that its not even funny anymore. for example the wayland hdr protocol, open for 4 years now:
Im very interested in an officially supported linux phone, however the fitmware seems not to be upstream(yet?). I hope it will be upstreamed, or else were back to square one with linux mobile hardware support if they stop working on it!
oh wow, no one is left from that disagreement, they both resigned.