I knew a real wizard would clarify sooner than later. Much obliged and keep up the good work anon!
I knew a real wizard would clarify sooner than later. Much obliged and keep up the good work anon!
Immutable = Read-Only Root FS && Updates entire system image rather than individual files
Atomic = Updates as single transaction (all or no update) && Containerization w/ Rollback capability
This is quick summary from quick research pls correct where technically wrong.
I remain interested in the immutables or atomic distros because I know a lot of smart people that swear by them.
I also don’t try them just yet because I know a lot of dumb people like me that end up breaking a lot of stuff before quitting them altogether.
They could be amazing and just not perfected yet or they may be a meme and no one’s proved it outright just yet. Will be lurking this thread either way lool :D
How long have you been using fedora on this laptop? I had a similar issue with my xps 13 where this would happen everytime I tried to update it. I posted several help threads and lots of experienced people tried to help, but no solution was ever found.
Hope you have better luck than me, but I gave up after weeks of effort and just installed gentoo. I now use nothing but gentoo because of this incredibly painful experience.
Have you…you haven’t…actually tested this out, have you? Surely someone wouldn’t actually do this. Pics or didn’t happen