I’d much rather see them commit their talent towards more open hardware. Apple hardware isn’t even that good.
I’d much rather see them commit their talent towards more open hardware. Apple hardware isn’t even that good.
This is like the 6th time they’ve claimed this. I was attacked before for saying this wasn’t working correctly.
It really comes down to what platforms they have with government backdoors & data sharing. If they know the government might not be able to access “encrypted” data then they’d rather suck the balls of government than create it anyway. Look at what happened to the Telegram CEO when he created the encryption & told the government to fuck off.
You ever heard of Wine? The majority of work to make Windows apps work on Linux is not with ReactOS. Last time I tried ReactOS it was more like a nostalgic OS for people to remember the good ole days of minesweeper. It wasn’t a serious project to actually become compatible with modern Windows. Even if it was, I wouldn’t trust the authors to do so. Wine however has made serious progress and there are multiple Windows apps that now run on Linux as a result. The Linux community should not embrace Windows. Microsoft needs to embrace the Linux community & make their source code open enough and documentation good enough to run Windows software on Linux natively. Otherwise you’re doing free work for a company that will be acting hostile towards you, and it just isn’t worth it. You’d be better off at that point at convincing software makers to make their apps compatible with Linux or using a hypervisor.
Running Windows on a VM requires significant RAM & usually an extra GPU to make both operating systems work anywhere close to equivalent in terms of performance. Even then, the hypervisor can still cause issues with enterprise software and licensing.
Well, first they are lying to you. You don’t have to hand out certificates manually and that isn’t how Intune does it either. They are provisioned using SCEP generally, which has its own security drawbacks. You can get these certificates from a SCEP server using a tool like Certmonger.
Most companies that say they don’t officially support Linux already have you sign an acceptable-use agreement to only use company-provided hardware and approved software. And while they may act like they’ll make a special exception for you, you better make sure you got it in writing and in a way that would comply with your other employment agreements. One thing most IT employees don’t have the privilege of is negotiating the legal terms of their employment. There are already multiple US cases of employees being criminalized for breaking their employer’s AUP.
I wish you the best of luck, but feel like you’re prob in for a harsh reality.
You can use Wi-Fi certificates on Linux without needing Intune. Is the real issue here that your workplace doesn’t want to give you the info you need to use Linux?
What would having Intune offer you personally? Are you a smart Linux user or barely know enough to be dangerous?
Go to your IT department or management and tell them you want to use Linux for work if that is what you want, and if they say no then make up your mind if you’re willing to become a braindead zombie for the company, or if you’d rather be doing something actually useful and meaningful with your time.
Such a security risk though, but still better than curling scripts into sudo
This is what NameCheap does too. It’s freaking stupid. Domain registrations should not be managed by corporations.
It means that questioning decisions or problems is seen as negative in the community generally and that everyone else must be wrong for not using NixOS.
As I used to say. The Nix community acts more like a cult of people willing to support flat earth.
Great that there are so many fixes, but so few changes for a new release. Also… hardcoded OAuth tokens is questionable. People connecting Gmail are basically giving Mozilla full access to their email: