• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I can see where you’re coming from because of outdated libraries and flatpak sandboxing not really being a thing (it’s an illusion, really) but you can’t deny that this is the direction we’re moving in, and we need to get flatpak sandboxing and permissions right, to ensure a proper base level of security.

    For those unaware:

    • Many flatpaks use older, outdated, or end-of-life libraries

    • Flatpak permissions are messed up because most applications ask to bypass the sandbox at install-time

  • Do it for yourself.

    I once undertook a project for personal use that I knew could be useful to many people (it was for a game).

    People were getting interested in using it even in its earliest, experimental, pre-alpha, prototype, whatever-you-want-to-call-it, stage.

    But then the unthinkable happened: I quit the game because the dev was irresponsible and was largely perceived to be unserious and lazy, when this game is his main source of income as far as the community knows.

    So I of course lost interest in the project as well and abandoned it.

    If I was doing this for myself, it wouldn’t matter at all, but some people were interested in it, some were using it, and even as recently as last month I had people message me asking if the project was ready or how to use it. (the project was started in Jan 2024, I quit in Feb 2024)

    The point is that if you’re doing it for yourself and you quit, it wouldn’t matter, but it can almost feel as if you’re letting people down when you do it for someone else rather than yourself. So do it for you. That way, you won’t have people’s expectations weighing you down. If you can’t work on it this week, it doesn’t matter. If you can’t do this feature for xyz reasons, or because you don’t want to, it doesn’t matter. Because you’re doing it for you.

    Or at least that’s my take on it.

  • Really? I must not have heard about that, I’m sorry.

    When I said “very alpha”, I meant that it still very much contained bugs and lacked features, as in it is still in Alpha.

    When I’m talking about bugs, the main ones I’ve encountered are the ones I’ve seen on Brodie Robertson’s COSMIC streams.

    The only unfixed bug I’ve encountered is terminal font rendering on COSMIC Terminal being very weird and different compared to all other terminals I’ve tried, specifically Alacritty, Kitty and Foot. I’ve seen a bug report about “Black bars about content” but nothing mentioned about how, for example, Hack size 14 on all those 3 terminals looks bigger than Hack size 18 on COSMIC Terminal.

    I was wondering if that would be fixed with Alpha 5?

    But other than that, I only had 1 bug until recently, that seemed to have been fixed with Alpha 4 (keybindings fell back to default ones for a few minutes of logins on cold boot; idk what caused it but it’s been gone since I went to Alpha 4.

    So… is there a timeline for releases I could follow? I’ve been looking at the issue tracker for Epoch 1, and I’m even asking questions about and tracking individual features like Startup Applications and especially Pinned Workspaces.

    Apologies but do you happen to know where I could find more info on Pinned Workspaces and maybe how to automatically implement them as replacement for Static Workspaces until that feature arrives in the Epoch 2 cycle?

    Many thanks for reading and I would greatly appreciate a response.

    And of course thanks for making what is now my daily driver Desktop.

    And Happy New Year!

  • Afaik terminator is unmaintained but some people still use it. I’ve heard of Tilix as a good alternative but can’t tell you if that’s the case as I haven’t used either. I change terminals only if there’s a feature my current one doesn’t have.

    I used alacritty (because that’s what came with the distro I used, ArcoLinux) until I switched to Wayland where alacritty font scaling was inconsistent across Xorg and Wayland sessions (and I was still switching between the two). So I went to kitty, until I was convinced to switch to foot because it seemed to open faster so I went to it. Then I switched to COSMIC which doesn’t let me remove window decorations server-side and neither kitty nor foot supported their removal client side, so I switched to alacritty which did.

    I will switch to COSMIC terminal for convenience (as I use COSMIC) when they fix their font rendering (it’s like old Alacritty, only that modern Alacritty has fixed it but cosmic-term still hasn’t).