Pretty easy to find on a search engine:
Either he likes Nazi shit or he thinks its funny to pretend he likes Nazi shit to make people upset.
Pretty easy to find on a search engine:
Either he likes Nazi shit or he thinks its funny to pretend he likes Nazi shit to make people upset.
I use a 2013 macbook air for this kind of thing. It works great!
Linus is definitely not American. That is no excuse he way he just ignored the dma maintainer’s behavior and that is no excuse for why nobody in leadership did or said anything even after the connotation of the phrase was explained by another in the thread. The only thing that brought enough attention for any comment was marcan’s responses, and Linus just basically came in and said to stop making noise.
Yeah, this looks like trying to avoid conflict by shutting down a person pushing back against bad behavior, instead of trying to mediate the situation to come to a just resolution. It’s shallow and gross and not sustainable.
I’ve been focused, lately, on separation of concerns. Yeah, using FOSS tools is great, but I’m also asking myself how much losing a given tool will impact me if I start to rely on it.
This past weekend I finally broke away from ProtonMail. After what the CEO has been saying, and because of other annoyances like being unable to use anything but their clients, it was finally time to rip that bandaid off.
Unfortunately, I made the mistake of using a standard protonmail.com email address, so now I have to tell everyone to stop using that. Also, I was a heavy user of SimpleLogin for creating email aliases for basically every service I signed up for, and now I have to switch all of those.
I should have learned this lesson when I left Google, but this time I will be using my own domain. I also took this opportunity to leave Cloudflare entirely.
Now I have a domain for my email address and my website through porkbun, but can transfer that to another registrar if they start to suck.
I use desec.io for my DNS needs instead of the built-in porkbun DNS tools to make it easier to switch to a different registrar if I need to. They’re a non-profit, and it’s open source software that I could potentially selfhost in the future. This also replaced Cloudflare.
I use fastmail.com for the actual email service, which let’s me use the apps I like on my phone and PC to interact with email the way I want.
Fastmail also has a service like SimpleLogin, but instead I went with addy.io (also FOSS; also potentially selfhostable) with another custom domain at porkbun.
My website is a blog hosted by write.as, which is, again, built around FOSS and selfhostable software.
All of these pieces can be swapped out without affecting the others if need be, bringing switching costs to near-zero, and making it very customizable in the process.
Yay for DBML! I’m so excited to stop using dbdiagram haha
Everything @CondorWonder@lemmy.ca said and because backups to Home Assistant OS also include addons, which is just very convenient.
My Proxmox setup has 3 VMs:
Also, if you ever plan to switch from a virtualized environment to bare metal servers, this layout makes switching over dead easy.
I would recommend running Home Assistant OS in a VM instead of using the docker container.
I have a cheap homekit thermostat that I use with home assistant. Being able to turn it off for movies or during peak energy hours is nice. What was most helpful, however, was putting temperature and humidity sensors in every room, so that I could move around heat generating stuff to balance the temps throughout my apartment. I moved my server and gaming pc tower out of my home office. The temperature spread went from 8 deg F to 2 deg F.
Do you have a repo with your NixOS config for your NAS? TrueNAS and Home Assistant are the last non-NixOS VMs I’m running haha
it looks like you already have a node 804 case and the ability to build a computer, so I would avoid it unless you are looking for used enterprise gear and are okay with the tradeoffs that come with it.
years ago, I got a USB switching device from them to switch keyboard and mouse between two computers. That device was not built to USB spec and fried the PCB on my fancy mechanical keyboard.
last year, I bought their fancy 300W desktop USB-C charger to make a laptop charging station at home. Within 8 months, the device gave off an awful smell and 2 of the ports died. UGreen would not replace the charger. These are apparently a common problem with them:
Years ago, I had a Synology NAS, and used their recommended proprietary software RAID. The power supply eventually died and took the motherboard with it. Replacement parts were not available, and there was no warranty coverage. This was before I knew about good backup practices, so my options were to buy another overpriced, non-repairable Synology NAS appliance, or forfeit my data. I considered the data a loss, built a TrueNAS machine, and never looked back.
Your experience with a proprietary NAS appliance may not be exactly the same, and they may be better these days, but having proprietary software inherently means that you cannot be sure that the software choices they make are best practice and for your benefit, or if they are designed to lock you in or increase profits in some other way.
As others have said, OpenMediaVault is a decent software alternative to TrueNAS.
No matter what you decide to go with, make sure you are following proper 3-2-1 backup protocols for any data you care about. restic to backblaze b2 seems to be the best offsite backup system currently.
Shop has been purposefully making their app worse to use as a package tracker while filling it with ads and making it the slowest, most bloated app I have the misfortune of using. Nothing about it is “great”.
I have a similar display in my kitchen. It’s in portrait mode and has time (my timezone and others), weather (hourly and daily), and dynamic popups for weather alerts in the top 1/3. It has a spot for dynamic content below that that shows things like time remaining for my espresso machine to heat up and the temperature of my ember mug if I’m using it. The bottom half of the screen flips every 15 seconds between calenders for my partner and I, and local scheduled transit times and live train times with a map of current train positions.
I have scripts set up to switch between my desk setup and my home theater setup that swap monitor configurations with wlrandr and default audio devices in wireplumber. These scripts are triggered with the “Netflix” button on my Nvidia Shield remote via Home Assistant and SSH. Simultaneously on Home Assistant power to the peripherals on my desk is toggled, the TV input is toggled between the Nvidia Shield and the PC, my AV receiver settings are toggled, and if the PC was asleep, it’s turned on with a WoL magic packet.
As others have said, invidious is not dead, and they’re working on factoring out the part that interfaces with YouTube itself, so that updates to react to changes in YouTube will be able to be implemented much faster.
If you like ansible, MASH works pretty well.
Currently someone has a an unofficial build. As far as I can tell, there are no plans to implement this or something similar upstream. https://github.com/supechicken/waydroid-androidtv-build
bc there are a lot of android tv apps that are fantastic that don’t have ready alternatives on Linux for htpc usage. Clipious comes to mind, for instance. Having android tv apps available through Waydroid bridges the gap in functionality until native alternatives can replace them.
Another option that has not been mentioned yet is WriteFreely https://writefreely.org/