Did it download the original file or are there download options transcoded on the server?
I mention software freedom whenever I can.
Profile avatar is “kiwi fruit” by Marius Schnabel. CC BY-SA 4.0 | I am not affiliated with OpenMoji.
Did it download the original file or are there download options transcoded on the server?
Although Plex is running on your server it isn’t there to do what you want… unless Plex’s real owner permits it.
That’s how proprietary software works.
As long as good actors can still do good work in a fork of Linux then hopefully it’s resistant to corporate vultures.
Not got around to trying it out properly yet. Waiting on new AMD GPUs, hoping for a low-end encoder or I may get access to a RX 480.
What does Jellyfin use .NET for?
Communication is difficult. I felt like I gave a useful answer but evidentially it was not an answer for you. I hope someone else can answer your questions.
Has a software update ever changed something in a way you dislike? When it’s proprietary software your choices are to:
When the software is free (libre) then a communities can change it (e.g. removing an anti-feature) via the source code.
Sadly it’s not enough to simply “then don’t use it” - proprietary software proliferates society (interacting socially, with the government, with banks, etc). Since it’s better to be in control of your own computing anyway then might as well promote the values of software freedom.
Is there any merit to the claim OBS is using an end-of-life (EOL) runtime and that this is a very bad thing for security?
May be a good idea to include that update/correction in your prior post.
Small teams are unable to take web browsers far in another direction as browsers have recklessly grown to one of the largest and most complicated software. Browsers do not follow the “do one thing well” philosophy, to the extreme.
Most functional parts of a browser (text reader, video player) are thankfully resistant to enshitification. That is if they are free (libre), permitting a fork.
I came from a ~10 year old phone so FF5 was a big upgrade. Battery lasts the work day (may go from 80% to ~50% or ~30% mostly playing bluetooth audio for like 4 hours on and off). Fairphone uses some industrial chip instead of a mobile one - so it uses more power but they say it can get much longer updates than other phones. I usually have the screen set to 60Hz to save power, but a cheeky 120Hz session feels great. One bug is I can’t charge it in power save mode.
I got standard Android but replaced the proprietary store/apps (updates still requires Google Pain Store). I planned to try out an Android fork later but that’s was not as easy as I had naively thought. [Requires an SDK binary that come with non-free license and 3rd party guides to build it myself were rather dead].
I not aware it could run non-android OS - do you have exp installing a Linux phone OS? How did you find that? I’ll have to look into FF5 compatibility.
Have you considered Fairphone 5? Might not compare to modern phones but it’s very repairable.
Nice try, dad.
What are the major advancements outlined in the wallpaper?
I’ve seen a wallpaper of linux commands before but this is ridiculous.
That’s good to hear. I assume people saying “ZFS” are usually referring to this OpenZFS (and usually not Oracle ZFS)?
How does it work before this release?
Damn. I think a few updates have happened on the App but not seen an issue yet. Guess I’ll update the docker image when an app update does break it - family don’t use it often and I don’t want to manage their phone updating the app.
Apparently docker images must be manually updated, so currently I don’t. Thanks for the info.
AMD made an open source driver for HDMI 2.1 but HDMI forum won’t approve. They locked down the specification for 2.1 and say the driver would reveal it.
I don’t know if an earlier version can do 8k@60HD.