I like the idea of canaries in documents, I think is a good point but obviously it only applies to certain types of data. Still a good idea.
Looking at OP, they seem a small shop, with a limited budget. Seriously the best recommendation I think is to use some kind of remote storage for data (works as long as the employee complies) and to make sure the access control is done in a decent way (reducing the blast of employee behaving maliciously). Anything else is probably out of reach for a small company without a security department.
Maybe I sounded too harsh, that’s just because in this post I have seen all kinds of comments who completely missed the point (IMHO) and suggested super complicated technical implementations that show how disconnected some people can be from real technical operations, despite the good tech skills.
Run it with sudo in case you don’t see the process name with the above command.
sudo ss -patln | grep 443