—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it
All pronouns
—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it
So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
It doesn’t have a proper dark theme in Windows so it let me down when it flashbanged me.
Yeah, in my experience private trackers are a bunch of petty tyrants with control issues. My experience is very limited as I’ve never been part of one on account of me telling them to fuck off.
He also says, Palestine supporters and Hamas supporters are, and I quote, one and the same.
First, it’s true. Secondly, it matters a lot because there’s no fool proof way to update through the CLI that takes into account all of the software delivery methods that exist today so you could do use dnf to upgrade daily and still have old flatpak or viceversa. That’s exactly why Fedora recommends updating through the GUI.
Fedora discourages updating through the CLI.
I wouldn’t bother with LTSC. Just install Enterprise/Education and disable feature updates.
If you do connect to a network. Shift+F10 again and
netsh wlan delete profile name=*WiFi SSID*
And reboot.
Check this out. It only works on KDE, you have to compile it from source and it’s a pain in the ass to configure but it seems like it has all the features you’re looking for.
You might also need to add
to the CMakeLists to get it to compile.
Such is life.
Yeah, I just meant I switch the default from Kate to KWrite
I don’t use calc for much more than basic calculations. Even speedcrunch was too much for my taste. Honestly, I’d use bc if it wasn’t for the complicated syntax.
Everything else works just fine, unless the distro made an insane choice like having XTerm as the default terminal emulator.
I guess it wouldn’t make sense to measure energy used by gas-powered appliances in Wh since they’re not rated in Watts. Still, measuring volume and then converting to energy seems unnecessarily complicated.
Joules (J) are the official unit of energy. 1W=1J/s. That means 1Wh=3600J or that 1J is kinda like “1 Watt second”. You’re right that Wh is easier since everything is rated in Watts and it would be insane to measure energy consumption by seconds. Imagine getting your electric bill and it says you’ve used 3,157,200,000J.
I ate sushi today.
Welp, good thing I didn’t have dinner because I have to eat my words now.
Are you trying to imply having an “official SteamOS” means you will be able to call Valve to have them troubleshoot your game? Because you can’t do that with the current official SteamOS on the Steam Deck. I don’t think you thought this through.
For some devices, gaming is all they need to do.
Serviceable isn’t good, even if gaming is all you do, you’re better off with a regular distro — this was brought up already in the comment you’re replying to.
EmuDeck, Heroic and Lutris integrate directly into Steam. With a single click you can add a shortcut in your Steam library
Adding a secondary launcher to a launcher is bad design. Again, this is something that I brought up in the comment you’re replying to, along with having to use hacky software that only exists to remedy SteamOS usability problems, of which emudeck is one.
I’m not sure how they can make it any easier
They don’t have to. The problems I mentioned only exist because of SteamOS dumb decision to completely segregate the “desktop” and “gaming” experiences. They’re fixed by just letting me use my computer. Imagine if Steam logged you out every time you exited Big Picture mode, because this is pretty much how SteamOS currently works. I think you guys are cutting a LOT of slack to SteamOS because of what Valve did for Linux gaming but there’s really not a single reason to use it over something like Bazzite (not the Steam Deck version, obviously).
You don’t seem to understand the difference between free as in freedom and free as in beer that is literally the cornerstone of the free software community.