Phosh kicks ass
Phosh kicks ass
Um, my phone?
You should update the list with Linux phones.
Phosh is good, very lightweight. Plasma is good, I have used it on a touch laptop. Never tried Plasma Mobile.
That whole community is just one guy posting memes. Some are funny but mostly its just odd how much he hates Linux.
Whatever :)
Awesome stuff. I’m still hoping to see more HDR related fixes since that still isn’t working for me. This other stuff is still great to see, though.
Dotfiles are handled by GNU Stow and git. I have this on all my devices.
Projects like in git.
Media is periodically rsynced from my server to an external drive.
Been meaning to put all my docker-composes into git as well…
I don’t back up too much else.
Currently using GNOME with PaperWM and its pretty nice.
Geary on mobile, Thunderbird on desktop.
I feel like I am the only person not super-jazzed about Cosmic.
If people are excited or want to use it, fine. But I don’t know what it could possibly add to the mix besides offering mote DE choice, and Linux already has a lot of that.
It really only makes sense to me when your distro is older or doesn’t have the software you want. I fully prefer native packages too, though, but I use Flatpak on phone.