2 months agoCtrl+Shift+i should bring up the inspection panel. It won’t be for the specific element, but it should have a button to get an element picker.
Ctrl+Shift+i should bring up the inspection panel. It won’t be for the specific element, but it should have a button to get an element picker.
Apple devices support changing the DNS server through the wifi settings.
It’s “many” like in “Many people on twitter are saying…” i.e. they found 3 or 4 people saying crazy shit and acted like it was a big thing.
When was the last time you checked? Jellyfin has had an app on LG’s webOS store for a couple of years now, although older TVs didn’t get it until a few months later. I’d given up on it and bought a lifetime Emby Premiere licence by the time by TV was finally supported.