You can right now if you use WINE instead of Proton. Just unset the DISPLAY variable with “DISPLAY=”
You can right now if you use WINE instead of Proton. Just unset the DISPLAY variable with “DISPLAY=”
Good to know, but I also know nothing about Songtradr.
If they hold the copyright to their own music (basically, if they’re not signed to a label), they can distribute it wherever they want.
Isn’t Bandcamp owned by Epic Games?
You can pass through a dedicated PCIe USB card if latency is important.
On my desktop, I’m able to pass through the motherboard’s integrated USB controller. YMMV if you try this, though. If I need to control the host (ex: to force shutdown the guest), I either use a PS/2 keyboard, SSH, or KDE Connect.
The “K” stood for “Kool”
If you want something that will scream on that hardware, AntiX (Debian based). AntiX runs much faster than Windows XP on my Pentium 3 rig from the late 90s.
Otherwise, I’d go with one of the flavors of Linux Mint, which should also run fine, especially if you go with Xfce or MATE.
If it can run Windows 7 fine, it can run Mint even better.
Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah, I don’t like that at all.
I use Tubular (Newpipe with Sponsorblock) from polymorphicshade, though lol.
Been a NewPipe user since the very first alpha
Yeah, but at least it’s source available :P
Non-commercial clause, for those who are curious.
Just install the NewPipe flatpak and replace the apk with whatever.
AntiX runs great on my late 90s Celeron rig with a 1.2GHz single core socket 370 Celeron with 256MB RAM.
Runs waaaaaay better than Windows XP and slightly slower than Windows 98 SE.
The place to get snaps is proprietary and exclusive.
Upstream WINE enabled it by default in version 10, so I can’t imagine Valve wanting to strip that out. Knowing Valve, they probably helped out a decent amount with that support.
The Wayland driver wasn’t considered stable in version 9.