Yeah, but it’s a little too much about illustration for me. It’s great for that! I just need more of a pixel pusher.
Yeah, but it’s a little too much about illustration for me. It’s great for that! I just need more of a pixel pusher.
Yeah that looked good. I just need a photoshop replacement with a modern UI
I wish the Inkscape team would make a raster option. GIMP is just lagging, and we need a solid pixel pusher.
We are floating in the same boat, my friend. ;)
True. I love to fiddle, but not on my daily driver.
Sounds like you have a lot of time.
It’s about time, after like 20 years.
Yeah, since it’s for kids, I think we need an adult sized hand in there for scale. Or a banana
Oh, I’m not moving. I just always have wind in my hair. 😎😎😎😎
Wwwwow. Yeah that is cooler. Is that just a repurposed oscilloscope?
I think we might both like it…
What I should do it toss a pi in there and tease everyone
One person’s shit[post] is another one’s childhood 😘
Unironically, of course.
What am I going to do with your left nut?
You belong in a museum.
Linux, Linux, Linux, HAIKU!
Oh, now you’re talkin!
I need to be able to edit photos, raw files, lossless options, with layers, and a wide selection of touch up tools that can be content aware.
Photoshop is perfect, but I’m not paying for a subscription to a product that I realistically don’t need updates for.
I’d be totally fine using my old copy of photoshop CS if it would run anymore.
Gimp just had a lot of odd UI choices.