It is not required for the displayport alternate mode of usb-c.
It is an alternative with limited performance that is built on top of usb and does not require hardware support on the PC side.
It is not required for the displayport alternate mode of usb-c.
It is an alternative with limited performance that is built on top of usb and does not require hardware support on the PC side.
I’d guess retro arch is running as a Wayland client. Try to force it to use Xorg / XWayland or read this https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/6148
There is arcan, I have never tried it, though. https://arcan-fe.com/about/
So, they are talking about a bootkit embedding itself into the uefi firmware, then the graphics show a malicious bootloader that resides in the EFI partition that can be removed by formatting.
Elgato does not want Linux users: https://github.com/tolga9009/elgato-gchd/issues/15#issuecomment-610984742
They show no password prompt for the user with the “active” session for removable drives. Only system drives always require admin auth for formatting and partitioning. Maybe your session setup is not completely correct so your user session is not marked as the active session or you tried it with a drive that is considered a system drive.
I mean the exact same 2.8GB file, with the exact same USB-C stick took FU***** 3 seconds on Linux !!
For that test you should run sync afterwards to make sure the file was really written and is not waiting in a cache.
It is possible to format removable drives without root access through udisks2, e.g with gnome-disks or KDE ISO image writer. GNOME Impression is another tool that should work.
The relevant polkit policies should be defined here: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/src/login/org.freedesktop.login1.policy
Disabling is done with some rules like this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=152565
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (action.id.indexOf("org.freedesktop.login1.power-off") == 0) {
return polkit.Result.AUTH_ADMIN;
Some other examples: https://gist.github.com/grawity/3886114
Hmm, never had cups-browsed enabled as I do not need network printing with LDAP or legacy cups. Discovery using DNS-SD/mDNS and driverless printing work perfectly fine without it.
I am not sure if the driverless discovery ever can generate a PPD with arbitrary commands.
For Linux maybe timekpr-next and some custom scripts to sync the time with the time limit server?
If your monitor/docking station/adapter and the computer support the DP Alternate mode, then you should use that, it should be supported directly by the kernel. Problems may occur if the port is connected to the dedicated graphics and you use the internal graphics card. In my experience it worked perfectly so I do not know any good troubleshooting steps.