is this the one where some moron was suggesting a vpn for torrenting on a vpn service not designed for torrenting?
old, stupid
is this the one where some moron was suggesting a vpn for torrenting on a vpn service not designed for torrenting?
very interesting. i use mint as a default workstation and i put it on a lot of older machines for older people as a windows upgrade. it just seems to work except for a very occasional audio issue.
cool, thanks for the info!
Ubuntu was pushing snap,
interesting… ive not seen anything regarding snaps in mint… flatpak is the other option in the software manager
formatting. learn it. use it.
what distro?
smells like the mobile data isnt honoring the split tunnel dns comin from the vpn. the mobile provider is doin some funny business with your dns on that device
bring your friends.
i found it very easy to grab a couple of pre-built containers… im using deluge and gluetun … im sure theres a transmission container out there also.
setup your auth info in gluetun, point your deluge/trans container at gluetun for its network and youre done.
check out gluetun
might help. i use it for setting a torrent container to use an openvpn container as its only outbound
i think their point is if you want to comment make a google account and comment… or dont.
personally, it boggles the mind why anyone would want to do that.
amazing right
ahhh, this is the line i was referring to… maybe i misunderstood
my work for the community has been purely volunteer for more than a year now (and less than half of it had been payable before that).
thats a lot of words for contributing for a single year, only half of which was ‘volunteer’
you seem to already have apps that do that stuff you want… i was more answering ‘how to make kodi work’
i do zero work for kodi. i curate a library i care about and that is not your end goal. kodi is definitely not for the ‘watch and delete’ crowd.
i cant even imagine wanting a mess of stuff as you describe, or expecting some media app to manage that mess on the fly. but hey, if thats how you want it. good luck.
ive got 2500 movies and > 35,000 episodes in my library.
ive not had any leaking since i setup my torrenting container(deluge is my fav) to use the openvpn container(gluetun) for its internet. theres zero chance it can leak, nothing to ‘forget to turn on’… kinda idiotproof, which i needed
gluetun is your friend