What program are you using to write or edit the comments?
Japanese Speaker. I can read/write some English but not well, so corrections are always appreciated.
What program are you using to write or edit the comments?
As already suggested, take a look at i3 Window Manager’s docs: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html because Sway (works on Wayland) is a port of i3 (works on X11).
I see. Thanks for the explanation. It seems a long standing issue: https://github.com/Maato/volumeicon/issues/49
But the problem is that if you plug in a USB or bluetooth headset, it doesn’t automatically switch to it as the default.
How about module-switch-on-connect?
You may need gtk-murrine-engine (actual package name may differ).
For logging, PANEL_DEBUG=all
(source) seems to work. Anyway, did you reboot the system after removing xfce-volumed-pulse
(so only xvce-pulseaudio-plugin
should be enabled) ?
Please note that many users of FOSS are also developers or contributors. Who wants to report a bug or send a patch if the community is worse?
I’d write a bookmarklet for that case:
javascript: { const name = 'ABC'; const d = new Date(); const year = d.getFullYear(); const month = d.getMonth(); const date = d.getDate(); document.activeElement.value = `${year}/${month}/${date} ${name}`; void 0; }
This bookmarklet inserts the desired text into the currently focused text box. Tested on Lemmy Web UI.