Yeah, can recommend that one too Although it sometimes seems to have some performance problems with a large amount of files - could be, that it’s already fixed though
I’m sporting a Framework 16 since a few months and had some battery problems at first. Due to work load, I couldn’t really get into the problem and something I changed or updated resolved it.
But I sent a mail to framework support at that time and the answer was just awesome.
Not just some typical 1st level response to update or restart, but real technical questions and obvious interest in my problem.
They even sounded a bit sad, that I couldn’t really tell them anything, because the issue resolved without me being able to pinpoint it.
On that note, I also have to say, that Tuxedo support was really good.
My Pulse 15 battery was starting to get a belly, and they sent me a new one without much questions - and no pay.
Now, after like 4-5 years, I have my old Pulse to my nephew and saw that the CMOS battery is dead. Again they just sent me a new one.
Some companies really deserve to get recommended.
Yeah, on my laptop - because I travel with it and confidential data (like from my customers) could land in hands its not supposed to
No, in case of my desktop, because it’s easier to access it in case of failure
CF, or their follow-up CFast, are still in industrial PCs - at least in the Beckhoff IPCs my (ok, more like “my customers”) Automat is sporting
Used as system storage and easy to swap for the customer in regards of backups, if something breaks
Yeah, FreeBSD OS absolutely awesome
Have nothing more to add…
Well, maybe: I wanted to setup my work server with FreeBSD and I really had trouble getting Linux VMs up and running
Still don’t know, what I did wrong, but I went the other way round and setup a Linux server, with a FreeBSD VM as “Gate-keeper” (my Wireguard every point), and so it secures my other stuff behind
But I really liked how nice it is to work with. Sadly I was too stupid to set it up right, with multiple services/containers/VMs I needed …
Nah, without breaking stuff, you never really learn
Hands-on experience is important.
Edit: obviously don’t do this with production machines, but I thought that was given…
Ah, yeah right
Completely forgot about that
Ah, ok
Not being mobile oriented is a very valid point.
Thought, that it maybe still is enough to work with, but yeah, I can imagine that it’s not really nice handle on mobile - and probably no notification support etc
The Signal Linux client isn’t working on a phone?
Signal is also one of my essential apps, but I wasn’t expecting a problem there, as I’ve Signal running on my desktop and laptop.
Phone just not beefy enough or what is the issue with it?
Is there something like an easy migration script, which would take packages and settings from my current install?
Ok, settings are mostly in my home anyway
Packages I can generate a list, and the manuals throw out the Manjaro stuff
Hmm…I’m having a laptop and a workstation running Manjaro and I really would like to make the switch, but can’t tolerate much downtime, because both are machines for my work
So I’m looking for something to quickly setup everything as I had, without the need to remember everything and do it manually…
All good, just wanted to clarify what I meant
Unique enough with the other hardware IDs
And still, absolutely no reason to go further then the first octets, to have the vendor and device
Or am I missing something?
And I’m currently a happy user of Manjaro since years. But this stuff really isn’t what I want to have on my system …
Yeah, besides some Nvidia driver problems, Manjaro was stable for me as well
Have chosen it, because it was fast to setup and the base configuration wasn’t too of far off my liking
But, by now I’m considering to switch
Yeah, so take the vendor and device id and be done?
Why should they need my unique ID/MAC?
Yeah, I’m already very happy with my setup
Even my wife can use it with apps and so on
So, the only thing was the language stuff.
If that really fixes it, I’m more than satisfied :-)
Wow, thank you so much!!
I spent quite some time on this and gave up frustrated…
Tried their demo on mobile.
Is the highlighter for everyone just working, when you start in a non-text area?
If I try to mark just one word in the text, it does nothing. If I start in a non-text area, I can move over the text afterwards.
But highlighting single words or text parts is pretty much the use case for a highlighter.
Maybe it’s just my Firefox on android…