• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • [moonpie@osiris ~]$ du -h $(which filelight)
    316K    /usr/bin/filelight

    K = kilobytes.

    [moonpie@osiris ~]$ pacman -Ql filelight | awk '{print $2}' | xargs du | awk '{print $1}' | paste -sd+ | bc

    45347740 bytes is 43.247 megabytes. That is to say, the entire install of filelight is only 43 megabytes.

    KDE packages have many dependencies, which cause the packages themselves to be extremely tiny. By sharing a ton of code via libraries, they save a lot of space.

  • I always wonder how Docker works on macOS with a more UNIX-style kernel than Linux

    It doesn’t. Macos also uses a virtual machine for docker.

    but is it really that hard to do Docker/OCI out of Linux?

    Yes. The runtimes containers use are dependent on cgroups, seccomp, namespaces, and a few other linux kernel specific features.

    You could implement a wine like project to run the linux binaries that containers contain, and then run some sandboxing to make it be a proper container, but no virtual machines or virtual machine container runtimes* are easier.

    Linuxulator, a freebsd project does the above.


    *these are much lighter than a normal vm, I’ll need to check if this is what macos does. I know for a fact docker on windows uses a full Linux vm though.

  • No. Netplan uses it’s own yaml format, which people would have to learn and use. I don’t want to do that, I would rather just configure my existing networkmanager setup, rather than learning another abstraction layer over what is already an abstraction layer.

    I understand that cockpit (and similar type tools) are “the whole kitchen sink” of utilities, and it may seem like they come with more than you may need. But that doesn’t change the fact that they get the job done, and in some usecases, are better than dedicated tools.

  • Here’s my commentary on the options you listed in the image:

    Anaconda: They changed the licensing so that it’s not really fully FOSS, as the repos have restrictions on them. There are also other issues like this dark pattern of a download page.

    But, forgetting about the licensing or problematic company practices: The software itself is trash. Worst thing I’ve ever used. It’s sooooo slow to install packages when it’s doing the “solver” thing. You can use something faster like mamba or miniconda, but then you still have to deal with package availability being poor, as the anaconda repos don’t have everything, and much of what they have is often too old.

    Docker desktop: It’s proprietary. I mean you can use it, but you seem to be interested in open source stuff. Also see caveats to podman desktop below.

    Podman Desktop: Technically this will work. But podman desktop is really designed more for development of containerized applications, rather than developing in containers.

    Nix: Nix doesn’t work on Windows, so you would have to require WSL or something like that.

    Fedora VM: I recommend enlightenment as a desktop environment. Very small, but also modern and clean looking. You’ll have to configure it to be a bit more similar to windows, but it’s a lot more intuitive to use than i3.

    There are some other caveats to your environment. “The right .Net Sdks version” — however, the best extensions for C# development are proprietary and cannot be freely used in the fully FOSS versions of vscode.

    it also requires users to learn i3wm and possibly use the command line, which may not be ideal for everyone.

    Yeah, don’t do this. I agree with @utopiah@lemmy.ml, work with them, rather than forcing them to work with you. Collaboration goes both ways.

    Another recommendation I have is to just see how people in a similar circumstance do what you do. There are plenty of people who do software and game development on twitch, and you can just go on their streams and ask how they collaborate. One method I saw is using trello, a task management software, and artists would upload models there as deliverables. They already have their own workflow, which they probably work efficiently with. And it’s not really the job of an artist to integrate models and art into the game, that’s the programmers job.

  • I’m gonna be real: You want kubernetes + gitops (either fluxcd or argocd or the rancher one).

    I mean sure, jenkins works, but nothing is going to be as smooth as kubernetes. I originally attempted to use ansible as many people suggested, but I got frustrated becuase it struggled to manage state in a truly declarative way (e.g. when I would change the ports in the ansible files the podman containers wouldn’t update, I had to add tasks for destroying and recreating the containers).

    I eventually just switched to kubernetes + fluxcd. I push to the git repo. The state of the kubernetes cluster changes according. Beautiful. Simple. Encrypted secrets via sops. It supports the helm package manager as well. Complex af to set up though. But it’s a huge time saver in the long run, which is why so many companies use it.