Federation allows redundancy.
Federation allows redundancy.
You can ignore a DMCA request. It’s not “do this or go to jail.” It’s a finger-wag that gives you a free out, where they can’t sue you if you do the thing. You can just… not… and then they’d have to go to the trouble of suing you. Which you can make difficult by being somewhere besides America and not giving a shit.
Never give Nintendo money.
Right, because Linux definitely can’t run Windows software. Don’t check.
Thanks, Amazon, for motivating a bunch of people to fucking hate you.
It’s especially silly because training is transformative use. If the robot read every book in the library, great, that’s what a library is for.
Decent goal, bad reason.
Right, like how people got sued for piracy, and now there’s no more piracy.
Just fund it with taxes, you dolts. Should’ve done it in the first place. It’s a function of the state, like anything else that some people use and some people don’t.
Training is transformative use. Sluicing data through a pile of linear algebra, to mechanically distill the essence of words like “fantasy,” is not what copyright protects against.
Nvidia’s anti-competitive monopoly should be broken up over this API.
The fact AMD was visibly scared to even be associated with this project is a big fucking hint to regulators that CUDA is vendor lock-in tool which Nvidia guards at all costs.
Foobar2000 works fine.
“Take stock of.”
When software betrays you, sever.
Yeah, that guy’s not joking.
It’s not some kayfabe act. He is sincere in all of that posturing assholery.
Block and move on.
The userbase’s downvote-happy inability to take criticism barely matters.
The other half of what’s wrong with .ml is the blatant censorship all over the goddamn site.
Half the problem with .ml is the even blend of sensible takes and wackadoodle nonsense. That’s the systemic reason everyone who’s not pro-wackadoodle catches themselves going “what the f-- oh, it’s a .ml community, yeesh.”
Shatter Google.