can you add his channel name in titles so i can filter posts for his videos while seeing your other posts?
in addition to some feeds already posted by others:
title must be: Which Should Web You Browser Use!
luckily, it’s easy to change your dns server.
“LibreOffice was based on”
xfce indeed.
it wasn’t my choice but i recently installed Fedora for a beginner. (They made their research, read about different distros and chose Fedora.) It was surprising to see how intuitive everything is. A beginner can indeed start using Fedora with no previous Linux experience.
By “beginner” i mean somebody who used one or some of these: windows, macos, ios and android. It’s especially easy, i think, for tablet users.
Apple works with excellent designers for sound and visuals. It’s very interesting to listen to their processes, how they work for months for a second long sound or a tiny icon. Apple has the means to employ these masters.
i hate using apple products, their inflexibility is frustrating when you know how open linux is. Apple infantilizes it’s users. Linux is permissive, it becomes whatever you want it to.
Design is easy when “anything goes”, it becomes “rocket science” when you’re after good design. People spend their whole lives mastering these illusive practices.
when it comes to user interfaces, design is successful when you don’t even see/hear/feel it. It gets out of your way.
AI is making 7, 9 fingered hands because it doesn’t even know what a hand is, how a human body functions. How can it “create better sleeker design than apple” ?
you can make it “right” to your taste using extensions
i will add a question to theirs: Why is Fedora not in the suggestions?
i’m only interested in negative criticism, if you please. What made you avoid or stop using Fedora?
yes, you can’t add to the sound something that’s no longer there by just reformatting the mp3 to flac
Scribus may help you with that
we had the same problem and changing the trackpad solved the issue. Try disabling the trackpad and using an external to see if it is the source of the problem
block user indeed
nothing. excuse me
who is Arthur?
not so “funny” when you consider that the 3rd episode is released 2 days ago
airing those rooms would solve that problem. With no heat to lose, you can keep those windows open all day if you like 😁