Debian it’s a rock solid base that can be updated automatically with minimal user oversight
Debian it’s a rock solid base that can be updated automatically with minimal user oversight
Also if you have a spare hard drive laying around you could use timeshift to snapshot your install with an easy restore method to give you some confort
Yeah that is his point he is trying to make at some point you just have to come to terms with that trust since you are right it’s not feasible to build your own hardware.
No worries , but i think I’m not being clear if you build it from scratch. how are you going you going to compile it ?
Your welcome but that’s the point he was making even if you build everything on your own. The backdoor would be in the compiler. So even if you built /bin/login for example he would just inject it at compile time when compiling your code. But then you asked I will just compile the compiler but you have to compile it at some point and he can inject the code back into the compiler at that point.
If you read this you will never trust anything again. If you aee not familiar with him that is Ken Thompson one of the father’s of Unix.
Just make sure to not post bugs to the upstream project and keep them at the distro level
I was always stuck on Debian but when I started out the fact mandrake had the tux graphic on the boot screen I thought that was so cool.
Your domain need to be tied to cloudflare you don’t need to buy one from them. I just moved mine to them didn’t pay them a dime
Yeah it’s Unix but all the paths and utilities are all out of wack from what I’m used to on freebsd and Linux distros
I wish it was then it may make sense. Every time I use the MacOS terminal. It’s like an uncanny valley so similar but the more you look the more horrific it becomes. I can’t even say it’s Unix is the problem as freebsd makes complete sense.
That what makes it so cringe that they want that with arch.
I tired it as well to see what this aur was all about but kinda hated it since it’s so opaque if they wanted to be as hardcore as they say they would build packages by hand and that can be done on any distro.
I can not agree more not everyone that uses arch is like this but every one of the Linux users that wants to be elitist about their distro runs arch based on how hard it is.
If you want to be low level to learn you run Linux from scratch. If you want bleeding edge you run tumbleweed or debian sid. If you want to run a distro that is only mildly harder to configure than a debian bootstrap install but less hard than running debian or redhat back in the 90s just for bragging rights you run arch.
Glimpse is CLI and web but it’s a great
That’s what I’m saying at this point if you update to use default windows fonts you can save docx files no problem the formatting will be 99% there
Also 90% issues people say they have with Libre Office making docs look weird is is fonts. Unless you are power pivot master Libre Office covers all you need.
What’s your driver version
Run modinfo nvidia | grep ^version
Yeah with Nvidia mango hub doesn’t play nice all the time do you see any metrics with nvtop?
Yeah I use debian + kde for decades. Debian will install your pick of DEs at install.