Awww… iTunes is that bad now? Man…last time I used iTunes was probably 2010 or so. Bummer.
Awww… iTunes is that bad now? Man…last time I used iTunes was probably 2010 or so. Bummer.
And people ask me “why” when I chose LMDE over Ubuntu-based Linux Mint.
This shit is why. Canonical is huffing their own farts at this point. Don’t dangle shit in front of me if it comes at a price. And yes, I know Linux Mint isn’t under Canonical, but at this point I would rather not support anything Ubuntu-related.
In windows’ defense, the “complication” comes from the fact that there is no constant visual display of the filesystem structure in a terminal window like there is in the Windows registry.
That said, taking an hour to become comfortable with the terminal is not a difficult task. Understanding ~
, and constantly using df -h
and ls -al
(for me anyway) will help a lot of people figure it out.
Some people may be fine with that, others not so much. Louis Rossman made quite a fuss about that a while back.
Rightly so. OS shouldn’t matter one bit. If the customer is paying for a service, then that service should be rendered as paid for, or else it should be discounted.
I know I know… One can dream.
It’s VMs within VMs within VMs.
LMDE is great. I run it on my Thinkpad T14 G1. Runs like a champ, and after installing tlp
, it manages to eke out almost 7 hours of battery life with a questionable battery.
I’ll be switching from Windows 10 to LMDE on my desktop gaming PC at some point soon this year. I have no intention of letting Microsoft dictate what I can and can’t do on my custom PC that I built with my own hands. W11 further reduces that capability.
Debian is the stable friend who might not have all the answers at the moment but can help you with whatever you need to do, and does it without ever asking for anything in return.
Debian is love, Debian is life.
I been trying to find old Kindles for sale
Try “Unclaimed Baggage”. We got our kids kindles through them.
My lawyer has one of those. It’s pretty cool.
The “searchification” of fucking everything is driving me absolutely insane! No, I don’t want a search bar to be the only way to find things, and hiding the actual file functions does nobody any favors. Having a big prominent search bar in your product only tells me that you’re actively scraping my data to sell to advertisers.
Thank you! This has always been my main gripe about “collaboration platforms” in general (Discord, Slack, Teams, WebEx, etc). It’s just chat with extra steps, and does not make important information any easier to find.
Sounds like Cloudflare tunnels. I used that for a while, until I realized I didn’t want to be tied to Cloudflare.
Good for you, except OP is clearly using a desktop PC.