Ah yes. I’ve had the same issue. The web download is hit and miss. Totally understand, and a warranted description of that experience.
Ah yes. I’ve had the same issue. The web download is hit and miss. Totally understand, and a warranted description of that experience.
What was painful about getting the stuff out of OneDrive?
When I did this it was straight forward.
If you are the only user then use seafile pro. It’s free for up to 3 users.
Why block from the firewall. Normally you would set a static ip to not use dhcp. You could also uninstall or disable the dhcp client service.
I recently decommissioned my old poweredge T620. Beast of a thing, 5U heavy af. It had 8x10T drives and was the primary media server.
Now that it is replaced I bought 2x Synology RS822+ and filled them with the old disks. Using SHR2. They are mixed brands bought at different times so I’ve made sure each NAS has a mix of disks.
Lowest is 33k hours, highest is 83k.
I grew up with the ^ symbol meaning CTRL. Kids these days.
Isn’t your use case exactly what Ceph is for?
In 2010 I self hosted a Xen hypervisor and used it for everything I could. It was fun!
I had a drive failure in my main raid 5 array so bought a new disk. When it came to swap it out, I pulled the wrong disk.
It was hardware raid using an Adaptec card and the card threw the raid out and refused to bring it together again. I couldn’t afford recovery. I remember I just sat there, dumb founded, in disbelief. I went through all the stages of grief.
I was in the middle of a migration from OVH to Hetzner and it occurred at a time where I had yet to reconfigure remote backups.
I lost all my photos of our first child. Luckily some of them were digitised from developed physical media which we still had. But a lot was lost.
This was my lesson.
I now have veeam, proxmox backup server, backuppc and Borg. Backups are hosted in 2 online locations and a separate physical server elsewhere in the house.
Backups are super, SUPER important. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve logged into backuppc to restore a file or folder because I did a silly. And it’s always reassuring how easy it is to restore.
I like to run a hypervisor host as just that, a hypervisor host. The host being stable is important, and also reduce attack surface by only having it as that.
An LXC per service is somewhat overkill. A docker host running on LXC could likely run all the docker containers.
I have my dream domain. It was being squatted for a similar amount. I offered £100 and it was declined, I offered £250 and they replied to tell me the domain is easily worth the £2K, well sort after etc. I told them that this is my surname, and I’m not a corporation with unlimited funds and they can take the offer or leave it. 15 minutes later the offer was accepted. I was so happy. Still am chuffed about it.
This is more about familiarity than difference in ease of use. I’ve used both, they are both super easy.