there’s a dolby headphone addon for it and it creates like a 3d sound. all alternatives I’ve tried so far suck ass.
there’s a dolby headphone addon for it and it creates like a 3d sound. all alternatives I’ve tried so far suck ass.
i can’t leave foobar2000 until i find something that has dolby headphone 🥲 and it’s sometimes wonky in wine
tested innertune just now, and it worked. i noticed there are two of them in f-droid, try the other one? or maybe you were being blocked because of vpn? with mullvad only a few countries work with youtube. try rimusic, it uses youtube music too.
internet explorer 8 in wine
just tried it, but it doesn’t detect my mouse. list of devices is empty on both flatpak and system package.
wired g502 (not the newest one) and piper working fine. the “second mode” feature still has no way to configure.
i used utorrent until a few years ago when i started caring enough to switch. old habit, like over 15 years ago when my mom taught me how to pirate, utorrent was good back then. don’t know why i kept using it for that long, i even had to block ads in it by editing the hosts file…
last time I finally realized you could delete the panel and add new ones, but I remember the first time I just lost my shit and switched to another distro 😂 and I agree it’s better now, it was basically unusable a year ago. btw kubuntu uses x11, and it was still on plasma version 5.27.
I distrohop quite often, last time a couple of weeks ago. I tried nobara, fedora kde, and kubuntu. kubuntu was probably the best but some older games wouldn’t run, animations stutter so bad I had to disable them, themes didn’t work and some settings reset on every reboot. others had more serious issues, including constant crashing. I could blame it on nvidia, but cinnamon works just fine (except for one bug that took me over half a year to find a workaround).
and the taskbar… any time I try and resize it or move any item, it completely borks and it’s quite hard to fix.
imo kde will give a bad impression of linux as it’s quite buggy and the taskbar is way too easy to fuck up completely
there still is a reason to buy nvidia and it’s HDMI 2.1.
I want to keep using an OLED TV as my monitor, 4k and 120hz. TVs still don’t have displayport for some reason… and there aren’t any >50" OLED monitors in 16:9 available, at least where I live. and AMD didn’t get permission to use HDMI 2.1 driver in their open source driver. there is a dp > HDMI 2.1 converter, which sucks according to reviews.
I’m not going to recommend arch to a new user. flatstore is a blessing, but on mint not every flatpak app works. sometimes they won’t launch and you need to use the system package.
I tried mx for 7 minutes. it installed nvidia drivers and that killed it. off to the next distro I hopped, knowing the problem could have been easy to fix. shame, it seemed interesting.
I have tried most known distros but not bazzite, yet. might be the next one on my distrohop journey since everyone recommends it. hope it works better than fedora kde, it does not get along with my hardware AT ALL
the distro matters, but as a general rule, start with mint cinnamon because it’s easy and super stable. different distros use different components and they are configured differently, so if you face issues and incompatibility on mint, fedora may work better for example. for me it’s the other way around. also on debian or ubuntu based distros you have the biggest selection of programs available. not sure what packages you are referring to…just applications in general? it’s as easy as just installing or uninstalling them from your package manager / software center or whatever.
ubuntu is owned by canonical, I’d say avoid that. mint is derived from ubuntu, but it has a debian edition so it’s not threatened if ubuntu gets further enshittified.
I recently used kububtu for a week, something to note: it’s running very far behind, using plasma 5.27. in my experience, kde in general seems to have lots of customization but a lot of it is just broken. all the themes you can find, most won’t install, animations are laggy (I suspect nvidia issue). downvotes incoming, but that’s just my experience. it may work for you though idk. fedora official and pop use gnome, which I have very limited experience with, but I remember it not giving too much control to the user with customization if that’s what you’re after, also what’s with the full screen app launcher? in cinnamon you will find a lot of customization and it all works. it’s also very familiar to use if you’re coming from windows.
do your monitors have different refresh rates? that was an issue, I think that got fixed in wayland. x11 will not be your friend. someone correct me on this one if I’m wrong.
I stand by what I said in 3, but go ahead and try them in usb live environment and see if you find it okay to use. btw you can install KDE plasma in mint too, you’re not married to the DE that your distro ships with.
you are probably going to need to set up a virtualbox and use photoshop in windows, I hear it doesn’t work well in wine.
ah, well that would be it then. couldn’t figure out how to get a newer kernel to install with it so I used xanmod…until it started giving issues too. the default one is good enough anyway.
mainline does not work on mint (at least on my end). it has failed to install any kernel, for like the last year.
I fifth it. I want a framework.
I guess there’s difference with the gpu model too, because for me it has been the opposite: mint works without issues and fedora has been a nightmare, especially the kde spin one. last time it killed itself afrer the first updates. nobara was almost perfect but I could never figure out why it can’t turn the monitor back on after it has turned off.
i almost quit during that crazy screaming scene in the living room