I also don’t want to be running an antique OS… Just a debloated one.
This is not a Windows forum, so I feel justified in pointing out that in that case you should probably avoid Microsoft products entirely.
insufficiently careful not to snub the goddess
I also don’t want to be running an antique OS… Just a debloated one.
This is not a Windows forum, so I feel justified in pointing out that in that case you should probably avoid Microsoft products entirely.
Since you’re already on btrfs it’s probably better to actually use the features it has to expand your existing filesystem to cover both drives.
But if you just want to mount it somewhere and not worry about figuring out anything complicated, what I did is mount my big new cheap disk at /home/bigdisk and then have symlinks pointing to it such as ~/Videos -> /home/bigdisk/Videos
So the normal “I just want to watch netflix” price has gone from $8 to $18. A 125% increase.
the way that it should be
From each according to his wealth, to each according to his payment.
Quick, somebody give that man $350000
Personally I’d put a higher priority on stamping out that use of “porn”.
I’m willing to entertain the possibility that the linux world may be lacking in some things, but I’m pretty sure “configuration tools for sysadmins” is not one of them.
Apparently I have fewer problems with it than some. It’s snap. Maybe I could come up with some other minor complaints, but nothing big really. It’s mostly just snap. That is what prevents me using or recommending Ubuntu any more.
On my system that consistently gets results around 10s and 5s so the difference is sort of interesting. Mine’s a Ryzen 3600, maybe newer CPU features are of substantial benefit to xz.
The .tar.xz format decompresses more than twice as fast as .tar.bz2, allowing you to get up and running in no time
$ time tar xjf firefox-134.0b3.tar.bz2
real 0m9.045s
user 0m8.839s
sys 0m0.450s
$ time tar xJf firefox-135.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.xz
real 0m4.903s
user 0m4.677s
sys 0m0.510s
Nice! Presumably it’d be twice as fast if disk was infinitely fast or something. Unfortunately by testing this I’ve already used up a hundred times more time than I’ll ever save as a result of it.
GPU has fallen off the bus.
If you’re lucky, it’s an nvidia driver problem. If you’re not, it’s a hardware problem.
Your particular complaints are better addressed to almighty God I suppose. So long as you don’t blame linux kernel devs for them it’s all the same to me.
Address your complaints to the government of the USA. Or, if you have the right to do so, cast a vote in the upcoming election there to prevent it taking a big step in the opposite direction from a world in which it might consider anything like similar sanctions against Israel.
You may be amazed to learn that there aren’t many international sanctions against the USA at this time, but I imagine you could probably get into legal trouble for collaborating with Americans if you’re in, I don’t know, North Korea maybe.
Later in that thread:
Please accept all of our apologies for the way this was handled. A summary of the legal advice the kernel is operating under is
If your company is on the U.S. OFAC SDN lists, subject to an OFAC sanctions program, or owned/controlled by a company on the list, our ability to collaborate with you will be subject to restrictions, and you cannot be in the MAINTAINERS file.
Anyone who wishes to can query the list here: https://sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov/
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
Hello Internet commenters. Please remember that there’s no rule that says you need to tell us all your gut reaction to this if you know absolutely nothing about the situation.
Huh. So definitely not worth it then. Just buy a space heater instead. When I did it a few years ago I got $500 out of it, but it cost me a $350 video card which died soon after.