As a side note I also use a xps 13 don’t remember the model but I have found they do not properly implement the sleep function and can cause issues when coming out of sleep. I have seen the computer act fine till I open something and then crash.
As a side note I also use a xps 13 don’t remember the model but I have found they do not properly implement the sleep function and can cause issues when coming out of sleep. I have seen the computer act fine till I open something and then crash.
Your reply doesn’t make much sense. You say you have VMware but no VMS but you can delete them. I am not sire if you have them but they are not going to affect the host. I would remove the vmtools package from your computer/host reboot and see if it clears up the issue
You did not respond you request for an IP a to see if the devices are listed and whether they have an IP address.
Virb indicates a virtual driver. Are you running this Linux in a VM? Do you VM software installed. I think you may have installed the vmtools and it messed with your physical Ethernet. Virb is showing connected what do you get with an ip a? Does it show all the devices? Do any of them have an ip address?
The display on my laptop is 4k and i can tell you i tried downscaling it was not as big a difference as simply turning the brightness down as low as was comfortable.
That is how I deal with it as well. I just wanted to throw my experience out there because the reported issue sounds similar to what I have a experiences on a similar model laptop.