What is the pricing model? I never got a nag screen just looking around.
Edit: It cuts off the bottom, I see it now.
Trans woman | She/her | From Atlanta. 20+ years experience machining. I like to make video edits based on Star Trek, with the occasional meme.
What is the pricing model? I never got a nag screen just looking around.
Edit: It cuts off the bottom, I see it now.
Did you release it through a publisher of some kind? If not, it wouldn’t matter because you have the full rights and the onus would be on you to take legal action in anyone that downloaded it.
I’d have to say that for someone looking for AutoDesk level tools, OnShape just is not gonna cut it. It’s fine for hobbyist stuff, but is far from great.
I am going to be completely frank here. It is horrible. I am speaking from the standpoint of someone that uses CAD/CAM professionally. I have tried to get a lot of software running in WINE etc. to mostly small margins of success.
If someone needs Autodesk stuff and they don’t want it to crash constantly, they’re going to need to run a VM at least, and a Windows install is just going to work better.
I run Windows on a machine that is attached to no network because I have to for work. All of the FOSS CAD tools are crashy garbage if you need functionality beyond simple stuff like 3D printing.
It just isn’t there. OP, if you read this, please take my professional advice and either dual boot or run a Windows VM.
The paranoia in me wants to think that this an effort to make people forget that there are, in fact, a whole lot of people capable and willing to audit any kind of open source project at any scale. Like a new AI or similar…
OK, yt-dlp is awesome. It does things even beyond YouTube exceptionally well. The whole downside is that not everyone is a data horder with the space for videos. If you don’t have a spare 5 tb , place the YouTube url into a Bing search - no ads, no login
Thanks. I’ll check this out.
Oddly enough, no Lemmy support? I keep relatively odd hours. I tend to make a post for projects here as soon as they are finished because I don’t want to wind up forgetting to post them. I’ve fought with a script trying to accomplish the same thing, but a dedicated tool to schedule a post for a time when more people are likely to see (and hopefully enjoy) it would be great.
This version allowed me to do the heaviest image editing I’ve ever dine with ease. Granted I might have a leg up here because I’ve never touched PhotoShop, only GIMP, so the learning curve was very small for me.
I mean sure, that would be great, but I don’t have that.
It is an issue for me because the only machine I have is my daily driver laptop, and I’d really rather not take up even that 35GB if it can be helped.
OK, this bot is very useful. Thanks to … whoever.
You are quite right in that it is not a cheap VMS. Since I don’t know 100% how to set thing up, though, the cost might be worth my time.
I may just pay for it and report back as a service to the community.
Ok, but I’ve only a remote idea of what you’re saying. Can you elaborate?
Thanks, I’ll look into this stuff.
I’ve been waiting for the free Oracle cloud to open up (I know that’s super rare). Is there a goof VPS you can recommend?
Yeah, that’s partially why I’d need info as to if this Lemmy host is legit. I have the domain (technically), and if the price jumps I’d be ok with that. I paid upfront for a couple years at $1/yr. Yeah, the registrar might screw me over, but at the price I’ve paid, there’s not a lot of risk. I really need feedback on the Lemmy host.
Best of luck, Canada. I’m seeding for you.