That’s cool
That’s cool
Mandriva was for windows users. Hardly Linux users.
Call them and tell them to open it. It probably isnt legal for them to close the port if you ask them to open it.
Lol no
If your reaction to someone telling you to slow down because you’re being reckless by not confirming what you type on the CLI before pressing enter is to smash your keyboard, you should be fired
And in that case, sl has done its job of removing reckless people from dangerously powerful positions
This isn’t useless. It serves a purpose.
It’s for interns who fat finger commands to force them to slow down and be more intentional and verify their commands before pressing enter.
The point is to make you slow down. Going fast and breaking things worse is not good during an incident.
If you typed sl
and actually pressed enter before confirming what you typed, you deserve what you got
Ah yes. When you need to slow the fuck down.
Chia is grown, not mined.
Active responses are like fail2ban but better
Npm package manager is vulnerable to mitm attacks. The packages aren’t signed like, for example, apt does
Is this a valid WordPress replacement?
Edit: nope, its closed source
Edit2: oh, it is open source. But the install instructions are glaringly insecure
We all read that. They were asking for an elaboration
Interesting. Does it support WiFi? Do any OSes support it?
Its done for better security
No love for Qubes or TAILS :(
I prefer wazuh. Much more powerful and preconfigured with tons of rules
makes eye contact
shuts the curtains
Site doesn’t load
Edit: after several attempts, IG did load. But its fucking dark grey font on a black background. Can’t read this shit. Here’s the actual website