Also from seemingly reasonable commenters there’s so often arguments around security coming up. I don’t get how one can jump to that idea? This obviously has nothing to do with security, it’s about sanction compliance. And yes, likely a pretty pointless sanction compliance in this instance, as the sanctioned entities don’t have a direct benefit from having an employee name mentioned in the kernel. However that’s not how sanctions work, both just because, and also intuitively it makes sense: Sanctions wouldn’t be enforcable at scale if every single case would have to be judged on merit - it’s hard enough to enforce them as is.
And btw I so hope most of the comments on here are Russian trolls, but I fear many are people that fully drunk the Russian trolls’ cool-aid and are now fully brainwashed…
There’s now a fully open source ios app in beta: https://forum.syncthing.net/t/beta-test-my-new-ios-app-for-syncthing/22457