Yep, but with consent. I’m already happy they don’t his. OP is not. FOSS should aim for ideal behaviour to show non Foss software how its done right.
This shoudlnt come at the expense of user experience, so its always a balance.
Yep, but with consent. I’m already happy they don’t his. OP is not. FOSS should aim for ideal behaviour to show non Foss software how its done right.
This shoudlnt come at the expense of user experience, so its always a balance.
Yes but thats the point. You could offer the option. This site is trying to block open standards. We can apply a fix to correct it. Would you like to Tell site to fix it/Apply fix/Leave unsafe site
Then you have all options.
Lol, you do realise that chrome does many more. They were recently discovered to allow extra access to google meet over competitors. So not just creepy, but anticompetitive.
I think a more aggressive approach would be better for sites that dont offer compatibility with Firefox.
Do a pop up that asks the user to help make chsnge. First few users to encounter the site could be asked to see if they could find the contact details to let the site know about the problem. Once that is correct, following users could be asked to message them to let them know its a problem.
Keep upping the volume with bad publicity about their website not following standards and bekgn deficient and they will change.
So fine them and require all governemtn documents and legal documents of anybkind to be in a true open format. Its only a compatibility problem if people continue to use their format.
Scientific papers