Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

I help people and build things that help people.

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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023

  • And for the people with internet, tv, radio or access to newspapers:

    the police can make you look at the camera to unlock your phone (for example to check if you’re aiding refugees from the ethnic lgbtq cleansing) but they cant (easily and in some countries legally) force you to type in a pin and password. I know the point is a bit moot for a pc as at that point the will just rip out your drive, assuming its not encrypted.

    Still, worth mentioning imo.

  • You hit the nail on the head.

    Now you need to be able to counter the manipulation happening every day through media, other people, etc.

    A decade ago I stopped watching TV. Everyone asked me why. I said I‘m not watching commercials. Guess what I do with platforms that push ads!

    We really need to talk about outlawing commercials that arent pure product information. Good looking guy gets chased by beautiful women when using *** bodyspray? Cue moron: „but its sarcasm, duh!“ no its not. Not for your subconcious. It is manipulation.

    Btw I was trained by a psychologist (a guy paid by the car company, who is a licensed therapist and has a licensed practice) to manipulate people into buying cars. Not through arguments or superior manufacturing but pure tone of voice, using familiar wording, analyzing their weak points. This stuff is dark. Needless to say I dont do that job anymore. No amount of money is worth manipulating people into buying stuff they dont need.

    This shit needs to go if we want to live free at some point (let alone make it through fascism and a planet on fire).

  • I only had to read like three or four sentences to arrive at the conclusion: yes, you should absolutely self host and you‘re already pretty far.

    Depending on your location, I suggest you first visit your local hackspace, if that exists. I have had a similar journey and it took me years to arrive at my current state. Had I learned about „hacker communities“ earlier, I would have taken a very different and less stressful path.

    You can check my personal setup at