I run a second Signal for that in the secure folder of my Samsung phone.
Betwixed and between
I run a second Signal for that in the secure folder of my Samsung phone.
Absolutely, as a Linux uswr if only 18 months it was a complete balls up me trying to install Signal from tje shitty instructions. Their website, a seasoned Linux user in the forum said how he could see how I was confused becase the command lines on the Singnal website to do the install all ran together, since then it’s been fine but just Flatpak FFS.
Yeah but in my LMDE, Flameshot wont save files and is buggy as shit. It has an option to selext what App to open the screen shot in and that does’t work, share with another app and that doesn’t work, save the file and the files not there. Now, highly possible it works for others and just not for me
Hell, my Logitech kb can’t even use the screenshot button to take a screenshot.
I just use work arounds but still annoying.
About 90 mins. I shut it down when i finish every and turn it off at the wall (fuskibg standby LEDs). I can go days without booting it back up. I use #LMDE