The funny thing is the Baltoids actually believe this will be good for Linux. They genuinely have no idea what they have done.
The funny thing is the Baltoids actually believe this will be good for Linux. They genuinely have no idea what they have done.
The wager isn’t whether countries have “far-right elements”. The wager is which country has a government that openly venerates a man who slaughtered Jews and Poles for sport. Maybe someday you will understand what happened here.
What in the reddit are these comments
Bro got his first history lesson on Ukraine from you!
You are too blinded by propaganda to use reason. It’s deeply pathetic.
Didn’t read the book did you dum dum?
Again they have forgotten to remember the existence of people living outside the western bloc
Well this is the last thread where I want to open up possibilities of text editor drama, but it is Siyuan
I don’t trust them considering their enthusiasm over it and the comments about Finnish history. Go read “Finnisu Civil War: History, Memory, Legacy” by Tepora and try to laugh at the comments about history. Impossible.
Eh, nuclear weapons are a paper tiger. Building them is profitable, not using them in a big flurry of apocalypse. Maybe a tac nuke in Lithuania, NATO would not dare respond. Zelensky should not use any nuclear payloads, not a silver bullet.
It’s a horrifying prospect unless you just want to maintain access to natural resource and monopoly rents via international corps, offered up by whatever Navalny type they would want to take power.
Medvedev… yeah no way but it would be funny.
That’s interesting because I remember reading that in 2022. Meanwhile Zelensky is publicly threatening to deploy “3 secret weapons” which he apparently discussed behind closed doors with western leaders who are responding negatively to this pronouncement (indicating an unwillingness to escalate)
Let’s be for real, Russia could tac nuke a non NATO Eastern European country in response to whatever dual use weapons zelensky is talking about with a nuclear payload, and their chief worry would probably be the global backlash, not the threat of strategic nukes
Put down the washing machine memes and listen to the quieter admissions of Ukrainian soldiers. That’s how I saw them throwing civilian bodies into a pit, gloating, before editing 30 min later to claim they took it off a Russian phone (despite visible armbands). Morale is breaking down, conscription is failing versus the Russian mercenary and volunteer partial mobilization. There is no political change coming in Moscow.
Lemmy needs way better management of uploads than a randomly created URL floating in the void. If you accidentally paste a picture of your face or dick it is just stuck there and you have to beg an admin to help. You don’t even have to hit post.
Oh yeah I skipped over the Nazi microblog instances because they are pretty isolated and infighty. It’s the full throated imperialists who ban anyone who talks about the genocide like anyone is responsible for it but the Palestinians.
They do actually often use EU laws to back up their censorship. They of course would never consider other hosting options. They are proud of the EU for some reason.
But whatever if that’s what people decide “Mastodon” is going to be like there is a lot more to be done with ActivityPub services other than link it to your chosen flavor of microblogging, and it certainly doesn’t need to have the sheen of Eugene Rotchko on it haha
By keep it vague and saying their hands are tied they also get to dodge any kind of scutiny on what decisions they actually made before doing this.
This was the wrong account, this is one that blocks everything and says nothing. Blocking and arguing go poorly together the way they work on here.
That’s so cute that you think that anyone who doesn’t eat out of the hand of Google News is brainwashed by Putin. You’re such a critical thinker. Thank you for weighing in.
Actually the difference between me and people like you is I actually read what Washington and Kiev are saying about the war and have memory longer than a goldfish! Plus, I avoid search engines that have gone under heavy censorship since February 2022 by groups like Alliance to Secure Democracy. I have far more cogent criticism of the Russian government and their media, their central bank, and MOD than anyone like you, or most of the supporters of the SMO. Mainly that they let the west get away with a Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014 and sat on their hands.
Of course support for the Ukrainians has nothing to do with western propaganda LOL, you have no choice whether America and its sub-imperial partners in Europe, Australia, Japan, and South Korea send supplies and funding to the Ukrainians. It doesn’t make any difference whether you buy the propaganda or not. These same thinks tanks that call for a war in Ukraine are now discovering that western industrial capacity cannot be restored and falls far short of doing anything other than delaying Ukraine losing.
The economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic has now rolled into the mass realignment caused by sanctioning Russia. Sanctions place a burden on all countries which are expected to abide by them. Outside of western countries which constitute 14% of the world population, people are ambivalent about the Anti Terrorist Operation Against Donbas Separatists entering year TEN, they only care about the western financial system being turned into a weapon against them.
In fact, even American vassals like Europe and Japan are becoming more cagey about war. It certainly is not inspiring the hardcore faction of the Taiwanese about war with China.
I think what we know paints a really bad picture and Torvalds should not get the benefit of the doubt while trying to silence his detractors by calling them Russian bots.
I think getting all worked up about it is probably the first step to getting more information out of them. ┻━┻︵ (°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
Misskey forks and Mastodon all have a file drive to manage things, thread watching, one-click access to LibreTranslate without browser extensions (good for libraries and school). Lemmy is really only good for the insane blood bowl of comments sections - and I literally have to use SearxNG lemmy comments plugin to sift through it because federation is so annoying. Though I am being harsh maybe. Eh honestly it’s workable if you babysit every aspect of federation but it was never worth it to me. A.gup.pe is pretty much the best way to bridge Lemmy with Mastodon/Misskey/Friendica forks.
Let’s be for real though, Mastodon’s ecosystem is horrible. They all support mindless aggression against Russia and “Israel’s right to exist” where Palestinians used to live side by side even with Zionists. The few people who stand up even for international law, which is based in US oriented institutions, are constantly lambasted, to the point even mild radical liberals like that German “immibis” guy are driven to their own instances.
FediMap shows why. Until server hosting is less concentrated in NATO countries you can expect more heavy handed neoconservative moderation. At least there are cool Brazilians.
Literally just use a Misskey fork, Funkwhale, and Peertube.
Dumbasses like you are why the Ukrainian population is paying for your mistakes