You replied to the wrong person.
You replied to the wrong person.
ACPI errors shouldn’t be an issue, it’s somewhat common to see them. Are you still able to boot from live USB? Are your Linux and Windows installations on the same drive? Sometimes Windows can mess with the boot settings of other OSes and even break a GRUB install.
The picture you posted doesn’t show an error, that’s a screen to select your boot drive. Are you saying you don’t know how to select a boot drive or that when you do select the boot drive, nothing happens? You’re not giving us any information to help you with.
Nice, looks like a bit more care went into the visual presentation in comparison to Project Gutenberg. Thanks for sharing.
I read a ton as a kid too (probably averaged 3-5 books a week for many years), as an adult it’s hard to escape the cycle of wanting to feel productive but I’ve since tried my best to remember that reading for pleasure isn’t meant to be productive in the capitalist sense. It’s an investment in your own happiness, in my opinion, and that can be productive in other ways. Trying new genres or quick “summer reads” has helped me not get bored.
I mostly just don’t read much because I have other hobbies I like more and tend to watch a lot of video content and browse social media. I didn’t really do any of those things much as a teen, other than a bit of Facebook because everyone had it. For me it’s not the priority that it used to be, but I have a book server for easy access when I get the urge.
I used short essays and short stories to get back into reading, maybe that approach would help you. They’re really old, but try A Modest Proposal or some of the satirical essays by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), they’re short and sweet and inspire a desire for more.
At this point, most people are happy with Plasma, Cinnamon, or GNOME (whether that’s 2 or 3) and the default customization options.
I use Fluxbox and Conky and I love it, but it’s not for everyone. There’s no way my wife would enjoy the tinkering that I sometimes have to do to get a new Conky config to work properly, so she’s good with Cinnamon.
Ah, that would do it! Thanks for the information.
That’s interesting, I wonder why no one in these comments mentioned it if it’s a bit farther along than Jellyfin. Maybe just good word-of-mouth marketing?
I’m seeing a lot of love for Jellyfin in the comments. Seems like Jellyfin is finally mature enough to give a real shot.
Does anyone know how Emby is doing in relation to Plex feature parity?
It was a cool idea, but I could never get it to sync everyone’s playback properly without constant buffering for all involved. We just sync manually by counting down from 3.
I don’t mean to be glib or upset you, but you still have lifetime access to the versions of Sublime Text for which you paid; you just don’t get free updates to the next version. AFAIK, that’s been the way they’ve done things for years.
What about it? It’s another software. Did you mean to reply to the original commenter?
Have you looked into KiCAD? It’s FOSS and Linux-first.
You’re still banging on about Anthropic? I used it as an example to make my point (which is that commercial usage of copyrighted works is illegal, nothing about making/distributing copies or uploading or whatever you think you’re talking about).
But you’re up and down this thread bending over backwards to not have a good faith discussion with people who are not lawyers, so it’s incredibly difficult to take you seriously and at face value.
Why does the customer/user matter at all here when they’re not party to the lawsuit? You can have no customers yet and still infringe on copyright by using something for commercial purposes when you’re not licensed to do so. That’s how licenses work.
Of course, that limits the damages since there arguably hasn’t been any harm (which doesn’t make it legal), so lawsuits aren’t usually filed at that point; it’s usually a cease and desist. Also, I don’t have to argue anything. I’m not a lawyer.
I can show whatever movie I want at my house with my friends and that’s legal, but if I charge $10 to show it, that’s not legal. I don’t give a shit, because I pirate everything and show it to whoever I want for free, but that’s the law as written.
Receiving a copy of a copyrighted work (from anywhere) and using it for commercial purposes when the license doesn’t cover that usage (or simply doesn’t exist) is, in fact, illegal. This is why Anthropic was sued last year.
Qb has a setting for monitoring a folder for .torrent files. IIRC, you can set a default directory or you can have it ask you every time. That seems like it would cover your use case.
I use it to auto-start downloading all .torrent files in ~/Downloads and it works well.
I found 20.0 on the first page of DDG but go off…
So I think that there may be a BIOS misconfiguration here somewhere. Try looking at the answers here, maybe one of them will help: