My kids and I use and I would recommend it.
My kids and I use and I would recommend it.
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The origin of yum
, the Yellowdog Updater Modified.
macOS may not be FreeBSD, but it definitely is a BSD.
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I think they mean pull-through cache.
That is a totally fair explanation. End of story. No blame. Honest mistake.
I’ve done this kind of thing remotely in screen with ifdown eth0 ; sleep 10 ; ifup eth0 ;
The G4 had a hardware bit rotate function, and a 128 bit bus, meaning it could do 4 32-bit bit rotates per clock cycle. the Intel Pentium 4 needed to emulate that one instruction over 4 CPU cycles, and had a 32-bit bus. This made the G4 orders of magnitude faster than the top Intel chip at the time at certain tasks, like cracking rc5 on, where G4 clusters absolutely dominated the top ranks.
Our peak rate of 270,147,024 kkeys/sec is equivalent to 32,504 800MHz Apple PowerBook G4 laptops or 45,998 2GHz AMD Athlon XP machines -
Apple has been known to release powerful hardware.
That person is missing the point that a randomized MAC will often get a different DHCP lease, and the MAC address is used in that, so the IP address will change.
On a trusted Wi-Fi network, disable MAC randomization on your clients, and if possible reserve an IP address for their non-random MAC address. Some devices have deterministic random per WiFi network, which could also work. In iOS this is WiFi network -> private WiFi address “fixed”. “Rotating” would cause your pihole problems.
According to Hector Martin (Asahi Linux developer) making things easier for Linux developers is the only known reason Apple would have added this.
Welcome to 2020, where Debian is once again your trusted distro.
Agreed. I use their docker image, and have migrated servers. Other than copying data it only took a few minutes of cli-fu and everything was back up and running.
Tangent to this, “Apprise lets you send notifications to a large number of support notification services.”
As somebody who just watched a team implement MySQL for an app that only supported Postgres, I’d go with Postgres.
I never want to use MySQL again. Postgres or SQLite for relational databases.
I have the same type of thing. An alias that creates a tempdir that is based on the date, then cd’s into it. Then a cron job that finds dirs that are older then N days old and deletes them. I use these for most of my scratch work. Having several days to look back at what you did and know when you did it is so nice.
Is “ricing” not originally related to customised cars from street racing or something?
It is not, as I learned 18d ago
Riced out is an adjective denigrating a badly customized sports car, “usually with oversized or ill-matched exterior appointments”. … Examples of “rice burner” used literally, meaning one who burns rice or rice fields, as in stubble burning, date to 1917. In 1935 it appeared in a US newspaper caption with a racial connotation, disparaging East Asian people. … In some cases, users of the term assert that it is not offensive or racist, or else treat the term as a humorous, mild insult rather than a racial slur.
I was also going to link this. I started using zfs 10-ish years ago and used dedup when it came out, and it was really not worth it except for archiving a bunch of stuff I knew had gigs of duplicate data. Performance was so poor.
It says it’s a tautology because it’s a tautology.
Hosting the server is free. I’m actually not sure about windows because I don’t use that. We actually play on our iPads. We have a family set up. Pay once for the app, everybody gets to install it on their own device.
For free stuff I think people run Java edition? Again, I’ve never done that. There is an itzg Java server container
FWIW Bedrock lets you connect to servers online that have free games to play like Bed Wars, Sky Wars, Block Party. I don’t know if Java has that.