Obviously only for important cases, like compiling custom insults into sudo
. :)
Obviously only for important cases, like compiling custom insults into sudo
. :)
erasure edit: ok nvm, thanks
That’s an interesting perspective actually
Maybe it’s because of who’s giving them? If my little cousin gave me an AI Christmas card, I’d be happier than if a stranger gave me one on the street. (Though I’d feel bummed if they didn’t even marker in a single custom sentence)
i.e. higher standards of creativity/effort from a stranger than from a family member.
Also the stranger isn’t stuffing a tenner in the card lmao
Whoops, typo! Fixed c:
I forgive 'em cuz watt hours are a disgusting unit in general
idea | what | unit |
speed | change in position over time | meters per second m/s |
acceleration | change in speed over time | meters per second, per second m/s/s=m/s² |
force | acceleration applied to each of unit of mass | kg * m/s² |
work | acceleration applied along a distance, which transfers energy | kg * m/s² * m = kg * m²/s² |
power | work over time | kg * m² / s³ |
energy expenditure | power level during units of time | (kg * m² / s³) * s = kg * m²/s² |
Work over time, × time, is just work! kWh are just joules (J) with extra steps! Screw kWh, I will die on this hill!!! Raaah
Ty for feedback :>
Your paragraph read well. I definitely agree – grammar with risks, outside of hyper-formal sitches, is just stylized diction. ChatGPT could scarcely come up with an e.e. cummings poem (just tested now, it never gets the style about right), nor dare to abuse parentheses, nor remove cruft for conciseness (e.g. to start a sentence with “Kind of changed” instead of “This kind of changes” for compression (woot)). It’s a “wrong” but not quite “wrong”, and I’m glad that “riskless” manages to carry that feeling
And I edit a lot too :) it’s the “post-email-send clarity” effect
edit: updated accordingly for clarity
Ah, I mean proper grammar as in formal, largely riskless grammar. For example, AI wouldn’t connect
monolingual + educated + have access to technology
with pluses, like a human would.
Not sure how I’d phrase that though. Maybe “perfect, risklessly formal grammar” as I just tried to call it? (i.e. if AI trainers consider using +‘es a “risk”, as opposed to staying formal and spick n’ span clean).
Perfect grammar is humanly possible but there is some scrutiny that can be applied to GPT-style grammar, especially in the context of the casually-toned web (where 100%ed grammar isn’t strictly necessary!).
I believe Inkscape has some interaction with tkinter, which binds python to Tcl/tk
Alpine: musl + Christmas 💪🎄🎁🎉
I… I put effort in…
Edit: What about an ivory leg?
I’m not sure I agree but I’m happy to discuss! :)
Why are you calling my statement “selective memory” (am I intentionally excluding something?), and what do you mean by “way worse”? Do you consider unskilled art as not art at all (i.e. “so-called”)?
What I was trying to say, is that on social media, skilled artists formerly dominated attention (likes, upvotes) because viewers wanted well-constructed, pleasing-to-the-eye artwork. I wasn’t trying to say that they were the only art posters (sorry for my wording!). Continuing, now that AI is in the arena, “technically-decent” art is no longer the lower bound for pleasurable-to-see – now, viewers are more partial to knowing that a human was vulnerable when they expressed themselves with art.
It’s an intensification of internet-ugly aesthetic, which Douglas (2014) called "an imposition of messy humanity upon an online world of smooth gradients, blemish correcting Photoshop, and AutoCorrect” (p. 314). Now, online, handmaking art at all is a declaration of humanity, because you could corporately fake something full-colored and intricate, but arguably soulless, with lower effort.
Of course, I’ll try to take it from your perspective. I’ve seen really bad human art (I like art!), and I’ve seen less-artifacted AI art (have you ever seen Even_Adder’s generations on lemmy.dbzer0? they don’t have the overshading issue at all). Of course, some may disagree that the latter is art (is art only human expression?), but supposing I do consider the latter art, my point still stands – viewers are more on the lookout for genuineness now.
Happy to see what you think!
edit: Please be nice to each other! :(
Lots of downvotes in this reply chain. Not to be a “I don’t wanna be either side” kinda guy but AI isn’t all bad and isn’t all good either. (Greys!)
Merry Christmasing should be a genuine hug. Even if this was made by a homegrown open-weight open-dataset inference model, it’s nearly 100% low-effort generated – holidays need the human aspect, no? Covering yourself up too much in AI takes away from the humanness with corporate diction, and people need evidence of risktaking genuineness nowadays.
On the other hand, AI is definitely useful… but elsewhere. It’s not strictly anti-human even if conglomerates are using it that way, which I think you agree on. Wading through HOA using local NLP setups is human. Looking through a Mandarin thread when typical translation sucks, is human.
But there are domains for its use and there is ethical stuff to work on. This post just doesn’t fit the domain too well, as others agree…
Is that 7/8 time? (12) (3) (12) (12). Stallman’s taking his own path even when compiling a song
Merry chrisatms
I disagree with this sentiment; I’m inclined to believe that AI has actually lowered the bar for meaning.
Before AI, typically only skilled artists drew pictures for the web. But now that AI is making art that’s less meaningful than crayon pictures, there’s the growing sentiment of
I’d rather see a crayon picture than AI slop.
which could actually mean more people have the ability to go on and artify.
Of course this is anecdotal; it’s the reason I started drawing again :)
Only if there’s too many is it a worry. I use it now and then bc I LOVE things in threes (I’m not Ben Affleck I swear), but…
in the above, the tricolon bonanza is insane – how can you fit that many in such a short text?
You probably don’t need to cut down :)
Sorry for the wall of text again c:
AI text as a whole is usually structured, neutral-positive to positive shallowness. It’s called slop because it’s easy to make a lot of substanceless, nutrientless goo. One common structure is
Since the dawn of time, ethics has been important.
AI Structure: Hidden Secrets Revealed
- Being considerate: Being considerate can help relationships.
- This structure: is untrustworthy. Be suspicious when you see it.
- Lots of broad statements: that don’t say anything—often with em-dashes.
In conclusion, while ethics can be hard, it is important to follow your organizations guidelines. Remember, ethics isn’t just about safety, but about the human spirit.
What do we spot? Sets of three, largely perfect/riskless formal grammar (grammar perfection is not inhuman – but a human might, say, take the informal risk of using lotsa parentheses (me…)), uncreative colon titles, SEO-style intros and conclusions, an odd corporate-style ethics hangup, em-dashes (the long —), and some of the stuff in that reddit link I mentioned are often giveaways.
Here’s some examples in the wild:
Playing Dumb: How Arthur Schopenhauer Explains the Benefits of Feigned Ignorance. PeopleAndMedia. has useless headings and the colon structure I mentioned. There’s also phrases like “Let’s delve” and “unexpected advantage” – ChatGPT likes pretending to be unconventional and has specific diction tics like “Here’s to a bright future!” One interesting thing is that the article uses some block quotes and links – this is rare for AI.
Why is PHP Used. robots.net. This is from a “slop site”, one that is being overrun by AI articles. Don’t read the whole thing, it’s too long. Skim first. See how many paragraphs start with words like “additionally”, “moreover”, “furthermore”, like a grade school English lit student? Furthermore (lol), look at the reasonings used:
The size of the PHP developer community is a testament to the language’s popularity and longevity.
PHP boasts a large and vibrant developer community that plays a pivotal role in its continued success and widespread adoption.
ChatGPT-esque vocabulary is used (this is something you unfortunately get a feel for), and the reasoning isn’t very committal. Instead of evaluating some specific event deeper, the article just lists technologies and says stuff like “PHP has comprehensive and well-maintained documentation, providing in-depth explanations, examples, and guides.” So what if there’s docs? Everyone has documentation. Name something PHP docs do better or worse. Look at this paragraph (SKIM IT, don’t read deeply):
CodeIgniter is known for its simplicity and speed. It is a lightweight framework that prioritizes performance and efficiency. CodeIgniter’s small footprint makes it suitable for small to medium-sized projects where speed is crucial. It provides essential features and a straightforward structure that allows developers to build applications quickly and efficiently.
It doesn’t actually SAY ANYTHING despite its length. The paragraph can be compressed to: “CodeIgniter has a light footprint”. It doesn’t even say whether we’re talking about comparative speed, memory usage, or startup time. It’s like they paid someone (openAI) to pad word count on the ensmallening I mentioned.
Before reading something, check the date. If it’s after 2020, skims to be too long and not very deep, and has too many GPT tics (tricolons, vocab like “tapestry/delve”, the SEO shit structure), then it’s AI slop. Some readers actively avoid post-2020 articles but I can’t relate.
edit: clarified that perfect grammar is humanly doable, but GPT-style riskless formal grammar is still distinct from grammatical human text
Made with no blood, no sweat, and no tears in fucking GNU’s Not Unix Image Manipulation Program.
AI structure can be pretty obvious if you know which English weapons it loves to spam. Let’s walk it through (sorry for the wall of text lmfao):
I skip the image because the chimney mistake and overdone shading is obvious
So yeah this is at least 90% OpenAI. Too fuckin’ bad.