I have one of my domains on Cloudflare and was thinking of moving the rest of them there. What makes it harder to move name servers away from Cloudflare than other places?
I have one of my domains on Cloudflare and was thinking of moving the rest of them there. What makes it harder to move name servers away from Cloudflare than other places?
W3m and elinks come to mind for text only.
I had this issue and it only worked when I downloaded it from the website and ran it, not from steam or flatpak. I don’t have it installed anymore and I’m not sure what the underlying issue was, but you can try that.
I don’t know where you are, but this isn’t always enough. If it’s your employer’s IP it’s not yours to license to begin with.
In my situation, it even extends to any hobby projects I work on and I don’t think my situation is unusual.
That said, most employers don’t care about hobby projects with no earning potential.
Yes. The periods are just part of the name like any other letter, so 5 is compared to m, and numbers sort before letters. You can add something like ‘.0’ to make it sort more naturally. Look up an ASCII table to get a feeling for how strings are sorted.
I create a cron job with something like:
docker system prune -af --filter="until=XXh"
where XX is on the order of a few days.