4.3 became 4.7Gb Kali Linux Live image.
XMPP/Jabber: fireshell[at]projectsegfau[dot]lt
OTR fingerprints: C47CFCDC D9F67D17 4C08AA1A C2500250 AB361153
Matrix/Element: [at]fireshell:matrix[dot]hostux[dot]net
IRC: fireshell on Libera Chat
OTR fingerprints: 1A66175C 7E713B1E 6D15079 87FB1952 C6866E05
4.3 became 4.7Gb Kali Linux Live image.
The Ministry of Digital Development plans to create its own Linux community, which will unite developers from friendly countries who will be ready to work with Russia. This decision is a reaction to the exclusion of Russian developers from the global IT community.
Among the countries that could potentially become members of the new community is China, which has made more progress than others in developing operating systems.
by this logic it turns out that the code quality control system is built in such a way that if someone has malicious intent and wants to add malicious code, but is not affiliated with dubious structures, then he will easily succeed? Hey, what about enough eyeballs and shallow bugs?
Linus set a very bad precedent without causing any real damage. Clearly he was “asked” to do it, but then he did it himself.
One day, Linus might become a traitor - a traitor to the people who followed him. And a traitor to the cause he served all these years. You were the chosen one! You were supposed to fight evil, not join it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_YozYt8l-g
Linus Torvalds Confirms Decision to Remove Maintainers from Russia
You couldn’t come up with a more powerful spit in the direction of FOSS. And from Linus, who is now kind of showing f*ck to the entire community. Here you have freedom, openness and all that. Today they just wiped their ass with it, and by one of the founders.
This is the moment when the split politics, dirty ones from all sides, have penetrated into the very heart of OpenSource - into the Linux kernel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_YozYt8l-g
deleted by creator
it’s a pity that politics is penetrating more and more into open source and FOSS.
recently support for Russian cloud providers was cut out of opentofu. https://github.com/opentofu/registry/pull/824
now this. this is, of course, natural the core and many components of modern distributions have not been free in terms of decision-making for a long time and are under the influence of large companies, which in turn are under the influence of the USA.
Example of a Bash script that performs the following tasks
Example script:
# Settings
TARGET_DIRS="/var/www /etc"
DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
# Checking web server availability
echo "Checking web server availability..."
if curl -s --head $WEB_SERVER | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null; then
echo "Web server is available."
echo "Warning: Web server is unavailable!" | mail -s "Problem with web server" $ADMIN_EMAIL
# Checking disk space
echo "Checking disk space..."
DISK_USAGE=$(df / | grep / | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/%//g')
echo "Warning: Disk space usage exceeded $DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD%!" | mail -s "Problem with disk space" $ADMIN_EMAIL
echo "There is enough disk space."
# Creating backup
echo "Creating backup..."
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Backup created successfully: $BACKUP_FILE"
echo "Error creating backup!" | mail -s "Error creating backup" $ADMIN_EMAIL
# Sending report
echo "Sending report to $ADMIN_EMAIL..."
REPORT="Report for $DATE\n\n"
REPORT+="Web server status: $(curl -s --head $WEB_SERVER | head -n 1)\n"
REPORT+="Disk space usage: $DISK_USAGE%\n"
REPORT+="Backup location: $BACKUP_FILE\n"
echo -e $REPORT | mail -s "Daily system report" $ADMIN_EMAIL
echo "Done."
command to check if the site is available.df
and awk
to check disk usage. If the threshold (90%) is exceeded, a notification is sent.tar
command archives and compresses the directories specified in the TARGET_DIRS
.How to use:
chmod +x /path/to/your/script.sh
to run on a regular basis:crontab -e
Example to run every day at 00:00:
0 0 * * * /path/to/your/script.sh
I do it externally with this script
# Sample file backup-documents.sh
cd ${HOME}/documents
tar -cJpf /run/media/fireshell/EAGET/mybackups/documents-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').tar.xz .
# Sample file restore-documents.sh
mkdir -p ~/documents
last_documents="$(ls -1t ${backup_dir}/documents-*.tar.xz | head -n1)"
cd ~/documents && \
tar -xpf ${last_documents}
deleted by creator
Miniflux has integrations for sending content to read-later tools like Wallabag and then reading it in KOReader.
among other things, there is a plugin for Gemini client for KOReader, there is also something interesting to read there. or antenna-to-epub
Not loving snaps is a characteristic of someone who knows about the existence of snaps. Ubuntu for those who don’t know what snaps are, but snaps are so lousy that sooner or later you will find out about their existence and want to demolish them
Instead of Redis DBMS, the Valkey 7.2.5 fork is included. No wonder it was thrown out.
I stopped using Ubuntu after they started to impose snaps everywhere and everywhere without asking me. Well, I don’t need 100500 loop devices, understand, eh. Of course, you can not use it: delete snaps and disable the daemon. But the trend, of course, is disgusting.
It’s always great that there is an alternative, although I use LibreOffice myself.
Official port linux-cachyos-bore and linux-cachyos-lts for Fedora