I fucking love the flashbulb. Way underrated. Been my favorite artist for almost 20 years now.
I fucking love the flashbulb. Way underrated. Been my favorite artist for almost 20 years now.
Always speak using the terms SWIM, someone who isn’t me, to avoid legal culpability. Or post as if it were your goldfish or hamster describing their piracy activities. This is foolproof, i learned this secret spell in the ancient era.
I had a vm running in 2007 or 2008, but regardless she didnt even need windows for her classes. She just couldn’t figure out how to get her internet set up and could’ve just called verizon. Totally helpless and probably would have been thrown the first time she ran into a problem with windows as well.
Why couldnt she just install windows? Or use a virtual machine? How is her only option dropping out? It seems like she lacked even basic planning and problem solving skills and if it wasnt this that made her give up it would’ve been something else.
I have a feeling OP’s “friends” wont necessarily even be aware hes connected the device to their network. It sounds to me like he wants something he can hide places to take advantage of unsecured or public networks without having to sit there with his laptop doing whatever shady shit he has planned.
He released some glitch/acid jazz stuff under the name acidwolf thats pretty good too, but not as good imo. The range of his flashbulb stuff is just incredible though, and i dont think hes ever made a song i dont like