Are you into speedrunning by any chance?
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
Are you into speedrunning by any chance?
Headscale is not essential. Of course in this context the “self-hosted service” would be the Tailscale client…
As long as your kids currend and future friends will be on Windows there will be potential issues. There’s also the matter of familiarizing yourself with an environment that monopolyze the professional environment…
It says they do but they kinda mostly don’t. I’m playing from linux on my old steam windows folder on a very much NTFS drive and I never had an issue.
Dual boot 100% no doubts. Don’t unilaterally impose Linux on your Son, he will likely be cut off from many socialization on current and future popular multiplayer games that may or may not run smoothly on Linux.
Don’t other people’s banks have web portals?
Sadly, some finance services are app only, app-that-don’t-run-without-Play-Store only.
It souds like this is literally your first step outside of windows.
Don’t listen to any of these people, stick to dual boot, especially if your quality of life (I mean your hobbies) are tied to mastery of a known ecosystem of specific softwares.
Linux can work but you will need to compromise, and you will royally fuck up and unless you are embracing troubleshooting as an hobby you won’t like it.
Dual booting allows you to have a safe harbor for when things go south.
I’ve had a dual boot for around 6 years and only this year I have, not deleted windows but set up my boot to default to linux (it used to be last OS booted).
I had to give up the quality of some audio filters for streaming, I coud not for the life of me figure out how to run a couple of specific games, I’m unable to uncompress big .exe archives (yarrr) in certain specific disks and after a year of smooth daily sailing I had my drivers go nuts and had to dive in and fix it, doing research on old shitty reliable windows.
Just put a sticker on top of it that reads “Fuck Amazon” and you can do it guilt free.