Never experienced this.
When I had memory leaks with software, the fault was usually old OS.
Never experienced this.
When I had memory leaks with software, the fault was usually old OS.
It’s okay, black face will be acceptable soon in the US under the current admin.
Have you tried DeaDBeeF? It’s the most similar to foobar2k coming from Windows.
Thanks for the explanation. I’ll always call it FLOSS from now on.
Can confirm, the SSH thing saved me many times. I’m running Arch (btw), so as it turned out it did not have a working sshd by default, nor any swap enabled. I very quickly ran into issues where not even oom killer could save it. Once I figured these out though it was smooth sailing.
Lesson of the story: Don’t try to compile firefox from source without swap…
For sysadmin stuff? Or for daily use?
I usually just feed my questions into three different LLMs plus ddg with site:reddit and then check consensus. As good as it gets.
But then last time I’ve managed to discover DeadBeeF through IRC.
Grabbed em anyway this morning. It’s the “Window Manager” config option.
Yeah. I have it keyed to shift+meta+arrow keys iirc. Works for moving them up and down too. I’m phone posting, but I can look it up later if you want.
Hmm. I have xfce4/wm and I can move windows around (after mapping keys) with Win (oops) Meta + arrow keys and some Shift & Ctrl combinations.
Or are we talking about moving then around with the arrow keys instead of grabbing them by the title bar or something instead of tiling and moving them between monitors and workspaces?
Wish I knew what half these acronyms stand for.
Edit: Actually it’s not that many.
They work just fine.
The only thing that does not work is just binding meta only akin to win key to open the start menu for example.
Arrow Lake
Why would anyone curse themselves with that though?
Maybe I’m missing something but I am running xfce4 and have per-monitor refresh rate setting.
Looks like there’s still something you can try, brother.
Are you in Brazil?
Damn, the down votes. People really don’t get sarcasm on the internet eh?
And why would the process not show up in top?
Is the country of Linus beholden to sanctioning those countries?
Did you reboot?