If you occasionally boot to windows, it’s known to leave NICs in an unusable state if you just hibernate/quick power off. You need to boot back to windows and so a “proper” shutdown for it to come good.
I’m a technical kinda guy, doing technical kinda stuff.
If you occasionally boot to windows, it’s known to leave NICs in an unusable state if you just hibernate/quick power off. You need to boot back to windows and so a “proper” shutdown for it to come good.
Consider yourself corrected then. I’ve skimmed your comment history. Your go-to insult is “bootlicker” or alternatively, a simple clown emoji. In your comments you seem to provide very little context as to why you think that, it’s just, “I deem you to be a BOOTLICKER! Next!”
So maybe a little guidance for you:
The very, very, first thing you do when dealing with perceived propaganda - be it on mainstream media, online, or wherever - is to remove all the emotion and insults and see what’s left. You know what I see when I parse your comments like that? Very little.
Thus I conclude you have nothing of importance to say, and you become background noise that gets tuned out.
Actually your comments do have some small value. I check your bootlicker-comment-score and if it’s greater than 5, I know the community you posted in isn’t worth my time.
“Akshually”, so do you. You had a chance to discuss and inform, and instead you went straight to “bootlicker”.
Do you think they’re going to take any notice of whatever you say from here on?
Try “lspci -vv” first to see the devices on the bus and to figure out which device is causing this.
Secondly, check all your BIOS’ “performance” settings, such as memory timings, bus speeds, and etc, and set them to default.
See how things go after that.
Mainly when you are building a single-purpose , “appliance” device and you have the bare minimum of RAM/storage available. You just want to get the board powered up and initialised and then jump to your application.
So you build a kernel with only the correct drivers you need, you skip initrd, you skip initscripts and (lord forbid) systemd, you just jump straight to your program, with possibly busybox available if you need debugging.
Edit: I’m talking more about building it from scratch here, not LFS. Regarding security issues, you then “only” have to deal with kernel exploits, with a limited surface as you have limited modules linked, and exploits in your application.
You can just use a soulseek client.
However I have a build of this daemon running on a Qnap storage device, which is super handy just for ad-hoc music searches, and people can also peruse my music library 24/7.
“Just got to spin through a few trillion instructions to get things sorted before we go to standby! Won’t be a minute!”
Effective advertising has a clear and simple visual language, and this is what UIs should strive for.
Interfaces can be needlessly complex regardless of being flat or skeuomorphic.
But flat interfaces still require mental effort to parse. Especially when the interface is complex and/or crowded and you’re trying to pick out active UI elements amongst decorations like group boxes/panels.
Essentially, flat interfaces are currently popular because of touchscreen devices. Touchscreen devices have limited space and thus need simplistic UI elements that can be prodded by a fat finger on a small screen.
But I don’t need a flat touchscreen-friendly interface on my non-touch dual 24" monitors with acres of screen real estate. I need an interface that nicely separates usable UI elements from the rest of the application window. That means 3D hints on a 2D screen, which allows my monkey-brain with five million years of evolved 3D vision the opportunity to run my “click the button” mental command as a background process.
I was thinking that I would have to switch to bsd.
Finally the year of Hurd on the desktop?
You are flashing the chip directly so apart from inadvertent short circuits and such if it doesn’t work you can just keep trying until it does.
As for wire length it all depends on how fast they clock the SPI bus when flashing. You’ll probably be able to get away with 20cm or so without difficulty , I’ve driven SPI displays with that kind of wire length before.
Something like a raspberry pi or equivalent, and use reverse SSH set up to connect to a server with a known address on your end.
This means that ports don’t need to be opened on their end.
Also if you go with a gateway host, shift SSH to a randomised port like 37465, and install fail2ban.
As another poster has mentioned, M-Discs are written using a Blu-ray writer and are good for a few hundred years, in theory.
Blu-Ray USB drive and M-Discs is about the best you can get at present. Keep the drive unplugged when not in use, it’ll probably last 10-20 years in storage.
Seeing as there hasn’t been much advance past Blu-ray, keep an eye out for something useful to replace it in the future, or at least get another drive when you notice them becoming scarce.
Yeah , it’s really a little strange in OPs case, I can’t really recall changing a CMOS battery in ages, like decades of computer use.
Conclusion: just replace the CMOS battery on a yearly basis during planned system downtime.
Ha! Welcome to corporate, where vendors sell you software and say that the hardware has to have 128GB of ram and when you poke around a bit you discover a single JVM with constantly growing memory usage with a script that restarts it every time it runs out of resources.
AND a log file that describes - in typical Java excruciating detail - the precise lines in each module where the devs allocated resources but didn’t free them. About 40 times a second.