I’m just explaining how people end up with high uptimes despite not keeping their computer on all the time. There is no purpose to “padding your uptime”.
I’m just explaining how people end up with high uptimes despite not keeping their computer on all the time. There is no purpose to “padding your uptime”.
When you hibernate, “uptime” counts it even though the computer is off, as it’s more of a “time since cold boot”.
So I turn off my computer every day, but have an uptime of weeks now.
To make it more specific I guess, what’s the problem with that? It’s like having a “people living on boats” and “people with no long term address”. You could include the former in the latter, but then you are just conveying less information.
No, not nice at all. I’m answering your question on why he doesn’t ban Israeli contributors, not deliberating on the niceness of anyone in particular.
I completely agree he was unprofessional about it and should have handled it better. It was his choice in how he communicated it, and I think he failed on that point. Having said that, it was not his choice to do it, and I’m sure he will undue it when it’s legally possible. Hopefully using better judgement on his choice of words then.
Because he’s not making any political, moral, or personal decisions, and only follows the law he is forced to.
When the law forces him to sanction Israel, he will do so, and when the law stops forcing him to sanction Russia, he will stop doing so.
Usually uprooting your life and moving to another country implies a job change. At least that’s how I read the comment.
Since it’s end to end encrypted, Ente just sees some raw bytes, it has no way to tell if what you uploaded is an image or not. So in practice it supports whatever the client can display, so your browser for the web version.
The joke goes
rm -fr
, which stands for “remove french”. Yours has double “remove” and is less believable.