I believe tuxclocker has NVIDIA plugins.
I believe tuxclocker has NVIDIA plugins.
dyne:bolic - specifically 1.4.1
Had support for the original Xbox, a multimedia editing / streaming focussed OS. I’d never run it on mine - just messed with xdsl before going back to XBMC.
I tried and bricked my S10+
Soft bricked, can probably recover but have not got the time to bring it back.
Purely just send.
You ain’t gonna learn to swim in the wading pool, take a leap and break something.
It’s like any job - you can be talked to about x, y or z until the cows come home but until you stub your toe on a specific issue it’s mostly just fluff.
I’ve committed unencrypted secrets to codeberg, deleted boot partitions without rebuilding (nixos), tested most Linux distros until I got comfortable.
Dumb mistakes are bound to happen (I feel mostly to me) but you don’t learn without seeing the repercussions. Linux isn’t scary - closed source crapware is; no matter how “user friendly” it’s made out to be.
Edit: formatting